“Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions. I keep my visions to myself…” Dreams is such a great song. For me it is a song about loving, yet also letting go, even if the letting go is painful. It is also about knowing that, as we let go, it is also painful […]
Are You a Water Witch?
When I was growing up I had a mother and a grandmother who were both Air witches and who spent a lot of time training me in this area of magic. For that I will always be grateful. I also had another grandmother whom I never had the opportunity to meet because she died before […]
Flying Bats, Black Cats, and Witch’s Hats
October is upon us and, with that, my favorite season…Samhain, or, as most folks call it now, “Halloween.” Ever since I was a small child this has been my favorite time of year. It was not about the treats (although those would not be turned down by any means) or even about the costumes (although […]
Witchy Tools: Crystal Ball
Many people, when they hear “crystal ball,” tend to make reference in their minds to the image of a Gypsy fortune teller, seated in a tent or in the back of a caravan, quietly gazing into a crystal ball and telling someone’s fortune for them. Why this became the stereotype I am not sure. The […]