“Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions. I keep my visions to myself…”
Dreams is such a great song. For me it is a song about loving, yet also letting go, even if the letting go is painful. It is also about knowing that, as we let go, it is also painful for the one we release from our hold. Let’s face it, no matter what the circumstance, change can bring about good things but it also brings about some growing pains.
I remember the first time I officially moved from my childhood home and went to another city. I say “officially” because I did spend almost an entire summer having run away. But I was eventually found and returned to my home. Nonetheless, I could not wait to “get outa Dodge” and make it somewhere (anywhere) else. And although I had that drive within me, I was still terrified.
The thing is though that I had some visions. Some of them had to do with what would happen should I stay put. None of those were good at all. Most of them had to do with how it would turn out if I just made it into the world on my own. That is not to say I did not have help along the way. I had to have somewhere to go and my sister, bless her heart, knew that, so offered that I move away and live with her and her husband. I jumped at the opportunity. I was 16 and needed to escape a highly dysfunctional situation. So I left and moved in with them. That is how I managed to complete my high school education. And after working for a few years after that I decided that I wanted to go to university.
That is how I ended up in Saskatoon. My intent was to complete a degree, then move to Calgary or Vancouver and find work. But sometimes Spirit has different plans. They say that if we want to make God laugh we should tell Him our plans. It kind of felt that way. The more I worked on my degree, the more I found myself thinking of this city as my home.
My visions began to take shape ever clearer, but with one significant change. They all directed me that I was to stay here in Saskatoon. I was shown that the people needed me and, no matter how often I would start planning and preparing to go elsewhere, I was always drawn back to here. Saskatoon is, after all, positioned in the heart of Turtle Island. No wonder so many artists and mystics are drawn here! So, after 41 years, I am still here and still doing my work to help as many individuals as possible.
Yes, there have also been many changes in terms of what I do to assist folks. I started out doing counseling and Educational Kinesiology. That was simply a jumping board into what I do now, which is far deeper in the healing realm. Doing things like energy healing, toxic tie severing, soul retrieval, space clearings and blessings, an so on I find to be more deeply rewarding. I am even known to, once a year, put on a day of readings using things such as water in a scrying bowl, crystal gazing, fire reading, and so on. For the most part my focus is on healing modalities. But, seriously, every now and then we all need a break and to dive into something a little more light hearted. So I will do a day of readings.
I am glad that I have my visions. Although I do not always (98% of the time) share them with anyone, they do guide me properly all the time. They are also the reason that I have had the intimate relationships that I have over the years. In fact, one of those relationships I ran from because I recognized the person I was being introduced to. I was still married to someone else and did not want to be “that guy” so I ran from it. After a few years, I did eventually end up with that person. And, as it turns out, we both dreamt about each other way back when we were in our early teens. When we began to share that dream it was like one person would start to say something and the other would complete the sentence. That was pretty powerful.
Is it all prophecy? I don’t know. I know that I did not do anything to consciously manifest any of that. It was simply something that I was aware was developing and coming down the pike, so to speak. That still happens a lot. I just know things before or as they are happening, even if it does not involve me at all. I have learned to let go of anything and everything that does not involve me, because, frankly, it is none of my business. The stuff that does involve me I tend to just watch unfold just like in the vision. I believe it is a matter of me being “in the flow, therefore in the know.” They do seem to happen more frequently of late. Perhaps that is because I am now, in my 60’s, closer to death than I am to my own birth. Getting nearer the Veil will often peak one’s abilities. That is okay with me. I am not afraid of death, as such. I would rather stick around, for sure, but I have also had a good run, so whenever Death comes knocking I am very much going to be accepting of it.
In the meantime, I will be continuing with my visions and dreams and with doing my work and helping as many people as I can before my time is up.