As many of you already know, I am what can be referred to as an eclectic shaman. I have been exposed to and trained in many different styles and forms of Shamanism. Some find this outrageous because they believe that everyone has to choose one tradition and one tradition only in order to be authentic. […]
Being Human
This post is the result of numerous experiences throughout my long life. Some of those experiences have shown me the horror of what people are capable of. Some of the experiences have shown me the divinity of what people can become. And then there is everything in between. I have, from a very early age, […]
Are You a Water Witch?
When I was growing up I had a mother and a grandmother who were both Air witches and who spent a lot of time training me in this area of magic. For that I will always be grateful. I also had another grandmother whom I never had the opportunity to meet because she died before […]
Pleasure or Practicality?
Believe it or not, there are some folks in the world who actually believe that things that bring us pleasure are not worthy of our time or attention! I know! I was surprised to discover this as well. There was a person in University that I encountered who was brought up in a very strict […]
Witchy Tools: Mask
Not every practitioner is into the use of a mask. In fact, there is often, at least these days, the thought that if you wear a mask then you are trying to hide something about yourself. I even experienced this thought form way back when I first grew a beard. How ridiculous. This thought system […]