When I was growing up I had a mother and a grandmother who were both Air witches and who spent a lot of time training me in this area of magic. For that I will always be grateful. I also had another grandmother whom I never had the opportunity to meet because she died before […]
Witchy Tools: Mask
Not every practitioner is into the use of a mask. In fact, there is often, at least these days, the thought that if you wear a mask then you are trying to hide something about yourself. I even experienced this thought form way back when I first grew a beard. How ridiculous. This thought system […]
Witchy Tools: Altar
As a witch develops their connection to their inner strength and natural gifts, eventually they will find themselves wanting a place in which to work their magic. Some prefer to go out into the woods, or to a beach, or to a circle of stones. Some prefer a table surface indoors for more privacy. In […]
Witchy Tools: Censer
One of the things that is highly important for many witches and shamans is the use of sacred smoke. This can be smoke from sage, cedar, sandalwood, pine, sweet grass, and any number of incenses. Smoke represents the element of Air, and that is the element that not only prepares one for the encounter with […]
Witchy Tools: Witch Bells
For my next post on Witchy Tools, I introduce you to the Witch Bells. Bells have often been used by witches of many different traditions and ethnic backgrounds. Bells are used to summon the Divine, as well as to ward off negative energies. Witch Bells are often attached to clothing, talismans, sacred instruments and even […]