Trent Deerhorn
Deerhorn Shamanic Services
Saskatoon, Sk
Phone: (306) 978-5300
230 Charlebois Cres
Saskatoon, SK
S7K 5J5
Just a quick note to all of my current and future out of town clients, if you are wanting a session with me while you are on your holidays and visiting Saskatoon, please plan ahead and make an appointment online through my website, .
Please Note: I do NOT accommodate drop-ins. I have a very busy schedule and I accommodate people who book ahead.
Thank you for your understanding and your patronage.
Call Today or Book Your Appointment Online!
“We are one with the Dreamweave. As we acknowledge the oneness with all we are able to draw strength and healing from the Universe and lend strength and healing to the Universe.”
-Trent Deerhorn