Here are links to some websites that you might find of interest
Mystic Willow Services: The Witch’s Pyramid: A place to bring the pagan community together to support our brothers and sisters of the Craft. This is a place where we share knowledge, strengthen and unite the pagan community as a whole, and have fun. There is something here for all paths.
Pizzaz News: is with tremendous pleasure that I can now officiate the transition of PIZAZZ NEWS from an on-line newsletter into a tenaciously redesigned news publication. This site is exclusively devoted to all the objectives and principles which underpin PIZAZZ NEWS.PIZAZZ NEWS is the only global news publication which strategically and unapologetically aims to infect the globe with the Positive Thinking virus. Indeed, this is truly the climatic theme and represented narrative of my work and collaborations. It is a bias I am happily and unashamedly boasting.
Able Crystals & Therapies operated by Michael Stodola offers one of Saskatchewan’s most complete crystal and metaphysical shops. This site also provides information about The Devic Centre, located close to Saskatoon it offers a great workshop/meeting space, Labyrinth, Walking Paths, and Dessert Deck.
Crop Circles is a link created by Beata Van Berkom highlighting her work in the investigation of crop circles in Saskatchewan, chakras, cymatics (how sound creates form) and healing drum. She gives lectures and workshops for groups on any of these subjects.
Shaman Portal: The Global Resource for all things Shamanic
OZ – The ‘Other’ Side of the Rainbow
Jenny Kyplain Massage
Inphynite Phreedom