Within shamanism and witchcraft, there are some practitioners, myself included, who excell in the use of a rattle to move energy. Sound is considered to be part of the Air Element, therefore any instrument, the rattle included, are considered to be tools that are for use in an Air Elemental way. As such, they are […]
Witchy Tools: Feather,Wing and Fan
Over the years I have done a LOT of hiking out in nature. And as I hike I will often find remnants of our four-legged and winged friends. A skull, a bone, or a fallen feather always catch my attention and will be adopted into my home, once disinfected, cleansed and blessed. Often these findings […]
Witchy Tools: Horseshoe
When I was a small child I loved to visit with my grandmother, who lived in a small town not far from our home. Part of why I enjoyed visiting was because she spoke to me with loving kindness but also in a way that did not diminish me as a child. Some people “dumb […]
Witchy Tools: Drum
The first drum that was used was actually the human body. Keeping rhythm by patting the thigh or beating on the chest or even by clapping or snapping the fingers created sound that resonated deep into the physical being but also brought the person completely into the NOW and unified the consciousness with Spirit. Over […]
Witchy Tools: Witch Bells
For my next post on Witchy Tools, I introduce you to the Witch Bells. Bells have often been used by witches of many different traditions and ethnic backgrounds. Bells are used to summon the Divine, as well as to ward off negative energies. Witch Bells are often attached to clothing, talismans, sacred instruments and even […]