For my next post on Witchy Tools, I introduce you to the Witch Bells. Bells have often been used by witches of many different traditions and ethnic backgrounds. Bells are used to summon the Divine, as well as to ward off negative energies. Witch Bells are often attached to clothing, talismans, sacred instruments and even […]
Witchy Tools: Pendulum
One of the more common tools in the witch’s tool chest is the pendulum. A pendulum can be made of pretty much anything if it is designed well. In days of old, the most common pendulum was a ring, or wedding ring, strung onto the chain of a necklace, and then used in the pendulum […]
Witchy Tools: Witch’s Robe
Yes, yet another fashion blog! What can I say? There are certain things that do need to be covered. And so we bring out the robes! Now, in this blog I will be refering to the Witch’s Robe, but please know that I am also going to include in that category things such as cloaks. […]
Witchy Tools: Witch Hat
I know that some may be thinking that this is actually a post about fashion. To a certain degree, you may be correct. But there are aspects of fashion to which some are oblivious, and so I feel that it is important to address this fact when it comes to the Craft. After all, not […]
Witchy Tools: The Witch’s Bottle
I would like to mention right from the get-go that this is not something that EVERY witch uses in their repertoire of witchy tools. Some witches will use the Witch’s Bottle and some will use the Witch’s Jar and some will use both, while others will use neither. The fact of the matter is that […]