One of the more common tools in the witch’s tool chest is the pendulum. A pendulum can be made of pretty much anything if it is designed well. In days of old, the most common pendulum was a ring, or wedding ring, strung onto the chain of a necklace, and then used in the pendulum scrying fashion. Some pendulums are made of wood, some of metal, some of crystal gemstones and some of an iron nail. The variety of styles of pendulum is expansive, so don’t limit yourself in what it “should” look like. Use what resonates with you. So, what is the pendulum scrying fashion?
There are many ways to use the pendulum, but I am one who always likes to break it down to the easiest method possible. I don’t use a chart underneath the pendulum that has things on it that indicate what the pendulum is trying to say. I treat the pendulum as a sentient being, but one with which we have communication that is somewhat restricted, thus less complicated. I like to hold my pendulum in a way that also restricts my own muscular twitches from influencing the way in which the pendulum moves. So I drape the chain over my my finger, holding it in place with my thumb, and allow the pendulum to hang freely below the thumb and finger.
Once the pendulum is settled in that position, I will ask it questions. To begin with, I always ask it to show me the signal for “yes,” and then I thank it. Then I ask for it to show me the signal for “no,” and then I thank it. Once those are established, I ask it to show me the signals for “emphatic yes” and “emphatic no” and thank it each time. You may be wondering why it is that I thank it. As mentioned, I treat this like it is a sentient being. Therefore, I am respectful at all times. If we are going to be working together, then I need it to know that it can always trust me to be curteous. The last signal I ask for is “unknown,” which may mean that the answer is unavailable to us at this time, or that there is too much happening in the unfolding universe for us to have that answer clearly stated.
When the signal system is set up (which I do EVERY time I begin to use the pendulum, even if it was just 3 minutes ago that I set it down because I thought we were done) I then ask it some basic questions that I know the answers to. Then I ask it some questions that ONLY I know the answers to. This helps me to assess how accurate the pendulum is being. Then once the pendulum has been properly attuned, I proceed with asking the questions to which I would like some answers.
It is important to know that you MUST keep the questions short and only in a “yes”/”no” fashion. So you don’t ask compound questions such as, “Is this opportunity best for me or is there something better coming my way?” That is actually two different questions. One at a time, and only “yes”/”no”. And don’t be vague. It is not good to ask, “Is it possible that my boyfriend is cheating on me?” First off, if you have to ask, then you probably already know the answer. Secondly, it is always possible that someone is being unfaithful, but whether or not they actually ARE unfaithful is more of a “yes”/”no” than it is a vague “possibility.”
This leads me to the next aspect of pendulum usage. I never ask my pendulum for information regarding anyone else. I always ask it questions regarding myself. It is quite inappropriate to use a pendulum as a spying device. I would also never use a pendulum to “diagnose” diseases, as some folks try to do. That is extremely dangerous and can actually lead to someone’s death if the pendulum was asked incorrectly, thus giving an incorrect answer. Don’t be foolish with a pendulum. It may be a sentient being, but it is not a God or Goddess. Can it respond to energy flow? Definitely. Can it diagnose? DEFINITELY NOT.
Most often when people have difficulties with pendulums, it is because they have not set it up for success. Much like children or pets, we have to do everything in our power to set the pendulum up so that it cannot fail. The quality control questions is a very good way in which to do that. Keeping the subject matter to yourself instead of others is another great way to ensure the success you have with your pendulum. It is also good to remember that you and your pendulum are a team working together. So it may be one thing to ensure the pendulum is in good running order, but have you ensured that YOU are in good running order? Are you feeling ill? Then do not use the pendulum. Are you feeling stressed? Then do not use the pendulum. Have you cleansed yourself with a ritual bath or a sage smudge? That is always a good idea before creating the synergy between yourself and another sentient being, be that a pendulum, a crystal, a plant, an animal or a person. Treat this as a sacred act and act accordingly.
And now, without sounding too kinky, go out and have some fun swinging!