I have mentioned over the years that I have not had need of hallucinogenic medicine plants because, frankly, I can trip out instantly at will. My mind is open beyond belief when it comes to psychic visions and shamanic journeys and such. That does not in any way mean to say that I do not […]
‘Tis the Season
Over my lifetime I have gotten to know a LOT of people from all over the world. When I look back on my life, I am amazed by how many people there have been in my life. I am an ambivert, so I really appreciate my personal alone time. But I am also a bit […]
Witchy Tools: Rattle
Within shamanism and witchcraft, there are some practitioners, myself included, who excell in the use of a rattle to move energy. Sound is considered to be part of the Air Element, therefore any instrument, the rattle included, are considered to be tools that are for use in an Air Elemental way. As such, they are […]
Witchy Tools: Drum
The first drum that was used was actually the human body. Keeping rhythm by patting the thigh or beating on the chest or even by clapping or snapping the fingers created sound that resonated deep into the physical being but also brought the person completely into the NOW and unified the consciousness with Spirit. Over […]
Witchy Tools: Pendulum
One of the more common tools in the witch’s tool chest is the pendulum. A pendulum can be made of pretty much anything if it is designed well. In days of old, the most common pendulum was a ring, or wedding ring, strung onto the chain of a necklace, and then used in the pendulum […]