Sleep is so incredibly important to one’s health and well-being. There are numerous studies that show how sleep deprivation will adversely affect the quality of one’s life and one’s health. Yet often people will make sleep the one thing that they will deprive themselves of in order to accomplish something that really has no effect […]
Trying to Remember
There are a lot of different spiritual beliefs out there. But when one looks at all of them, there is a definite similarity that is often missed. That similarity has to do with remembering our connection to Spirit/the Divine/God…whatever you choose to call it. Remembering, however, is not always easy. Sometimes the memory comes as […]
I Breathe in Peace
One of the many services that I offer is that of Toxic Tie Severing. This has to do with the cutting of toxic energies between the self and others. Now, we have to remember that at one time or another we are ALL toxic to one degree or another. So this is not about blaming […]
I Remember
I was told recently that there is a New Age philosophy that states that the reason people are having trouble remembering things of late is that everything is condensing and creating an opportunity for us all to go within to find our inner truth on every day things. Now, I am one who will admit […]
Don’t Throw Pebbles in your Path
When I was a kid, my grandmother would often watch how people would get all wound up about one thing or another, creating drama where there need not be any. She would often say things like, “It would be so easy for them if they would just stop throwing pebbles in their path.” I loved […]