People who come to see me for shamanic services will often notice that I change things around quite often in my healing room. This is not just because I get bored with the arrangement or anything remotely close to that. It is because the room tells me what it needs to have optimal functionality. I know. You are probably thinking “???” Here is how that works.
First off, whenever I move into a new space I like to claim that space as my own. Any home I have ever owned has been redecorated or renovated to the max. But when the final touches are being done (ie painting the walls) I will drill holes into the walls and place crystals inside the walls to create an energy grid. Then I patch the holes and paint and nobody is the wiser to the process that has taken place…except if they are sensitive to energy flow, which most of my clients are. They can feel the effect of the energy grid that has been created. And they LOVE it.
But the thing is that when I create the energy grid, I hook it up to the “mainframe,” so-to-speak. There is an etheric ball of energy situated in the room. This may be free floating, or it may be anchored to something like a crystal, for instance. This mainframe is the conscious energy of the grid/room. This conscious energy communicates with me all the time. It enhances the energy healing work that I do and enhances my conscious connection to…well…everything, be that spirit guides, angels, spirit animals, ancestral spirits, crystal energy, elemental energy or whatever. It enhances my connection to ALL THAT IS.
Thus, when the mainframe indicates to me that a change or shift needs to happen, I make sure that it happens as soon as possible. That way I am honoring the mainframe as much as it honors me. There are also times that I require a change in the room for me and only me. For example, I used to have a sofa and matching chair in the room. But the angle of the back of them was such that my back was suffering, no matter how much support I would place behind me as I was sitting down. By the end of my workday my back would be a mess. So I was able to ask the room what a solution would be. The mainframe told me the answer would be provided. The following weekend I was putting on one of my annual Readings days, and to do the readings I set up a table and chairs instead of using the sofa and chair. By the end of the day, for the first time in 2 years, I was not in any back pain. There was my answer. I re-homed my sofa and chair to my son’s house and set up a table and chairs for every day. I have not looked back.
In my space I have 5 altars, each for a specific purpose. One of these altars recently made it clear to me that it needed some changes done. Now, when it comes to altars, I am a stickler for maintenance. If we cannot keep our altars clean and tidy and ready for whatever the next event may be, then we are dishonoring the altar and the Spirit of the altar. More than it being about the tidiness it is about the layout of the altar for its particular function. In the first photo you will see the original altar (or at least how it has been for a number of months now). In the second photo you will see the alterations that have been made. They are subtle alterations, but they are nonetheless important for the functionality of the altar. The purpose of the altar is to give the practitioner a work space, but also a space that is set up as a veneration to whatever Spirit to which the altar is dedicated. In this particular case, the Spirit it that of Mawu (or Mawu-Lisa) the Mother of All, also associated with the Sun and the Moon. She is often depicted as one half of her body being female and the other half being male. “Mawu” means “body divided.” For those who are interested, you can Google more information on her. Basically, the 2 skulls had to find a place up on the altar, to symbolize the Sun and Moon, the Male and Female.
I particularly appreciate this aspect of Mawu-Lisa because, after all, we ALL have both male and female aspects to our energy systems. We don’t have to be worried or hung up about what that means about our sexuality or sexual preferences. It has very little to do with that. It is more about the balance of masculine and feminine energy within us which helps us in both our action oriented capacities and our receptive oriented capacities. Those who are out of balance are the ones who will constantly be pushing (masculine) to achieve what they could very easily receive (feminine) if they were to just chill out and allow it to happen. It also works the other way as well. Those who never take action (masculine) but expect everything to be done FOR them, as in receiving only (feminine) are equally out of balance. So, this altar honors the fact that we need to keep that masculine and feminine balance within us, otherwise we go on “tilt.” The 2 crystal balls also represent this aspect of balance, the dark red one being the masculine and the blue one being the feminine. The shadow box sculpture above the altar represents the union of the masculine and feminine. Each figure is playing a drum, thus depicting an image of the sound vibrations that draw one to the other.
As I mentioned, I have many altars in my healing room. Each has a particular purpose. But something that they all have in common is that they alter consciousness. I wonder if the etymology of “alter” and “altar” are related somehow. I will have to do some research on that. In the meantime, I wanted to share with you just one small aspect of my healing space and the effects that the mainframe consciousness has on it. As well, I wanted to encourage you to recognize how the smallest of shift in your living environment, work environment, outdoor environment, can elicit a shift within you.