Many people, when they hear “crystal ball,” tend to make reference in their minds to the image of a Gypsy fortune teller, seated in a tent or in the back of a caravan, quietly gazing into a crystal ball and telling someone’s fortune for them. Why this became the stereotype I am not sure. The truth is that many people, of Roma decent or not, have used the Crystal Ball as a scrying device over many hundreds of years.
Often people also think that the images come up within the crystal ball. They expect a perfectly clear crystal ball to suddenly become cloudy, like fog has rolled in on the inside of the ball, and then, as the clouds clear, the image appears, like they would on a television screen. This is how Hollywood often depicts the process. That depiction is childish at best, completely misleading at worst.
A crystal ball does not broadcast an image from some far, distant or future location and show it to the scryer. The process is more like this…
We all know that crystals can amplify energy and conduct energy through them, much like they do for watches, cell phones, computers and so on. They also store energy within them for future use. What a crystal ball will do is help to open and magnify the process of the scryer’s third eye chakra. As this happens, the scryer will be able to look deep within the self to find answers that are needed to pertinent issues. But because the crystal ball amplifies the energy around the scryer, it also amplifies the energy of the person for whom the scrying is being done. Between that and strengthening the third eye chakra of the scryer, it becomes rather easy to “read” a person or situation for the person for whom the scrying is happening.
The spherical shape of the crystal ball also serves a purpose in that it is an ideal shape for the absorption and enhancement of energies all around. This is also why, when not in use, many who use the crystal ball for doing readings will drape it inbetween the readings, so that it does not absorb any unnecessary or unwanted energy while at rest. But once the drape is pulled off of the crystal ball, it is “all hands on deck!”
When one is scrying with a crystal ball, one does not gaze deeply into the crystal ball. Instead it is important to allow your eyes to become soft, like when you are daydreaming. They may even close so that you are able to block out all outside influences. After all, it is not your physical eyes you are using but your third eye chakra. The images that come to you will be inside your third eye, or your mind’s eye, so-to-speak.
After using a crystal ball, I like to smudge it with incense smoke or sage smoke. This clears the energies, much like going back to a blank slate. People may have other rituals around that, and that is fine. Sometimes they prefer to let it reast in a bowl of sea salt. You don’t have to completely burry it for the cleansing to take place. Sea salt is an excellent cleansing agent, so you just need to set the ball on top of the salt for a few minutes.
Because the crystal ball amplifies energies in the third eye chakra, it is also important to cleanse your third eye chakra after scrying for anyone, even if you are just scrying for yourself. This helps the third eye chakra to come back into balance with the rest of the chakra system, as opposed to remaining with full stadium lights on when there is no game happening. Not balancing out that third eye chakra after scrying can lead to the burnout of that chakra, which then messes up all the other chakra flows.
One last word of advice is to NEVER leave your crystal ball anywhere where the sunlight can rest upon it. It also amplifies the sun and heat from the sun and can start a fire in your home! So if the sun casts at any point in the location of your crystal ball, then definitely either drape it or move it away from that spot.