I know…a lot of guys talk about their “magic wands” and show such bravado and pride in them. They will whip them out and show them off at the drop of a hat. They will brag about how long and thick their magic wands are. They will talk about them in terms of how powerful they are, no matter how old the man in question is.
I am not here to talk about that. I am here to talk about ACTUAL magic wands, what they are, what they are used for, how to use them properly and so on. So think of this as a course in magic wand tantra, if you will, because it really does not matter how long, thick, old or young a magic wand is; it is much more important to know how to use it properly. Yes, I heard that too.
As a person who not only uses magic wands but also designs and creates them, I can honestly say that the misinformation about them can be overwhelming. For example, people often think of them as “evil” because they refer back to some pretty old propaganda that was developed by the Church in the Dark and Middle Ages. This propaganda, as any propaganda is, was designed to turn people against the “old ways” and convert them, through fear mongering, to Christianity. For awhile there, anyone found in possession of a magic wand was immediately put to death. It is sad and frightening what fear can do to motivate people to do evil things. The truth is that there is nothing on this planet that is inherently evil. It is a matter of perspective. If one comes from a particular set of beliefs and customs, anything that is “other” than those is often, just by virtue of being different, viewed with great suspicion. It is a very sad statement of the closed-mindedness of the human race.
Another myth that I would like to immediately bust right here and now is that a wand must be made from a particular substance in order to be “sacred.” Wands are made from a multitude of substances, both natural and man-made. There are crystal wands, wooden wands, metal wands, glass wands and so forth, and any combination thereof. What makes them sacred is not what they are made from as much as it is whether they are blessed properly and used in a sacred manner.
If a person were to point a finger and create intent, they are essentially using a magic wand made of flesh and bone. This is why it has been said that pointing is “impolite,” because there can be extensions of energy that flows out from the pointed finger. Again, the censorship of such an act is something that stems from the dogmatic and oppressive views of religion.
A wand is an extension of the intent and focus of the practitioner who is using it. It does not actually hold much power in and of itself but is a powerful amplifier. What it is made of will often influence what types of energies it will most easily amplify, but it won’t limit the amplification to only those types of energies. So, for example, a wand made out of Oak will amplify strength quite easily but can also amplify fluidity if that is the intent of the user. Whereas a wand made out of a water-based crystal will most easily amplify fluidity but can also amplify strength if that is the intent.
A general rule of thumb is that a wand should be designed to be the approximate length from the inside of one’s elbow to the center of one’s palm. The reason for this is that it can then be easily transported and hidden beneath one’s sleeve. But we are no longer in the Dark Ages or the Middle Ages, so that rule of thumb is something that can be flexible. I have in my possession numerous wands that are anywhere from the size of my palm to about a meter in length. Transportation is not a problem. In fact, I have a dear friend who will often make a sleeve pouch for a wand to be transported in so that it is protected in transit.
Some believe that if a wand is made of wood, then that wood should be deadfall instead of a live branch. I prefer deadfall wood myself, even driftwood, for wand making because it feels more like a voluntary gift from the tree from which it fell than a forced “taking” of a branch. Having said that, I do have an Oak wand that was gifted to me, and I am certain that the oak was made from wood that was cut, taken to a lumber yard, sold etc. So how I work with that is that I make offerings to the tree from which this wand came and cleanse the trauma from the wand and bless it with healing and love.
When one creates a wand, it is important to have a vision of what you want that particular wand to do for you. Having that in mind, you can choose whatever additional pieces (crystals, feathers, bones, bells, rattles etc.) you would like to attach to the wand. These things are not just for decoration, but instead are there to enhance the magic that the wand produces with proper intent.
Once the wand is created, it is important to spend some bonding time with it. Sometimes I will sleep with the wand so that we can bond in dream time as much as we do in waking reality. Most often, however, I will meditate with it. I do a blessing of it, anointing it with fire, water, earth, air and aether. I ask for Spirit’s blessing for the wand and then wait while Spirit blesses it. Then I will sit with it and meditate. In meditation I will often receive the wand’s name. Yes, wands can have names. In fact, I think that all wands should have names. After blessing and usage, they do develop and energetic consciousness, so why not give that consciousness a name? Once the name is established and dubbed into the wand, I also ask the wand if it is willing to work with me? If the answer is “no” then I will ask about what would be needed in order for it to work with me. I usually get an answer that something must be done for the wand, but sometimes it is something that must be done for myself, such as a detoxification process of something that would hinder the work we would do. Once that is complete the answer is yes. But sometimes the answer is no and the reason for this is that this particular wand, although made for the purpose of doing healing work with me, is actually a wand that, once created, belongs to someone else. In a case such as this, I find the person it belongs to and gift the wand to them, with blessings of Love and Light.
One of the ways that I use wands is in the assessment of a person’s energy field when doing energy healing. The wand, being used much like a divining rod, will indicate problem areas in the energy. It can also be used to amplify and enhance the energy clearing of those problem areas. Another way in which I use my wand is in prayer and spell casting. So, I will light in incense stick, let the smoke rise, and place the tip of the wand into the rising smoke, thus amplifying my connection to the Divine. Then the words of my prayer or spell will expediate to Spirit’s ears.
This form of use of a wand can also be used in manifestation spells and rituals. Stating what it is that you are manifesting for yourself, place the tip of the wand into the rising smoke of the incense or fire. The manifestation will not take very long at all to develop, exactly as you have stated it. So do be sure to state it very clearly and articulately.
Wands can also be used to bless things, people, pets etc. Sometimes, for example, I will bless my drinking water using a wand to do so. I point the wand at the glass of water, state what the blessing is, and feel the energy flow from me to the water. This alters the molecular structure of the water and energizes it with that blessing. Then, as I drink the water, that blessing becomes a part of my molecular structure as well, because we are all made up of mostly water.
The variety of ways in which one can use a wand is endless. The main thing to remember is that it is a sacred object used for magical practices, so treat it with respect. And remember that it is not the wand that has the magic, it is YOU who has the magic. The wand is merely an extension of that magic.