I have written in previous blogs about being a Water Witch and about water witchery in different forms. Today I would like to talk about the importance of such practices. Many are blithely ignorant of the importance of water in general, let alone the deeper ramifications.
When I talk about being a Water Witch, I am talking about something amazing and quite primal as well as vast and sophisticated. Everything in our world is dependent upon water. Therefore, I find myself absolutely rebelling against corporations trying to own the rights to water and waterways. Corporate greed is something that has proven time and time again to destroy aspects of our Great Mother Earth. And without water….FREE WATER…for every living being, we will definitely perish as a species.
In addition to water being needed for life itself, it also has a connective aspect to it. We are made up primarily of water. Even the blood that flows through the veins of every living creature on earth is water based. As such, it connects us as individuals to each other and to all other creatures. And when I say “creatures” I am also referring to plants, whose veins run through their leaves and stems and feed water and nutrients to them. We are truly all one.
This brings forth the aspect of evaporation. We all know that water evaporates into the air and later returns to the earth as replenishing rain. When we screw with the ecosystem, we interrupt this process, creating drought in some areas and flooding in other areas. The balance is off.
But water witchery also indicates to us that we are also a part of the ecosystem. We are part of the very consciousness of the ecosystem. As such, we can encourage rain to come to us during drought. Instead of focussing our attention on the drought and the need for rain, we can turn our focus to the receptivity toward rain itself. One powerful individual can accomplish this. And if one can do it, then just think what a hundred people, of varying degrees of personal power, can accomplish!
Water is also the element of the soul energy, which we all have. As such, as it is connecting us to one another on a physical level, it is also connecting us one to the other on a more subtle (and likely a more powerful) level. Laughter ripples and tears flow. When we allow ourselves to move with the emotional energy that wants to flow freely through us, we can express ourselves in a healthier way and to connect deeply with our fellow human beings. It is my belief that we need to teach our children to express ALL their emotions and then we won’t end up with a generation of adults who think that if they experience and emotion other than happiness, they instantly need to bottle it up inside. We all know what bottling up emotions does to a person. Eventually that volcano is going to erupt, and when it does it will have NOTHING to do with what is being erupted over, and everything to do with all the seemingly inconsequential things that have been bottled along the way.
When we think of a pebble being tossed into a pond, we will notice the ripples will go outward from the splash site in all directions to the very edges of the pond. That is what emotions will do. So, when we are teaching our children to express their emotions, we also must be able to teach them about the ripple effects of emotions and the responsibility that goes with that.
If we think about soul energies as water, then we can envision that water evaporating into the clouds and landing elsewhere to replenish. Thus, we can also perform long distance healing for a person by accessing their soul energy through the aspect of evaporation and reintegration. We draw the soul energy from the “clouds” and do healing work on it, then return it to the clouds which then rain that healing back down on the person who is receiving the distant healing. There are varying techniques and traditions that can teach us how that is done, but for now, just know that it CAN be done and when it is done it is amazing.
Something that I enjoy doing is releasing troubles and woes with water witchery. Use either a ceramic or pottery bowl or cup (more earth based than is acrylic) and pour water into the vessel. Then focus on what it is that you would like to let go of…what is your trouble area…what is bringing you the greatest woe. Focus upon yourself, not upon anyone else. Once you have in mind what it is, swirl your tongue around in your mouth, building up the saliva in your mouth. Then lick a finger, transfering the saliva onto your finger. Dip your finger into the vessel of water. Stir the water, saying, “My release is everyone’s peace.” Set the vessel in an area where it will not be disturbed and allow the water to completely evaporate over time. You will notice that the issues that were being released are significantly reduced. Once it is completely evaporated, remember to wash the vessel well before the next use.
You can also use this technique to manifest things. Instead of release, focus on your desired outcome. Lick your finger and stir the water in the vessel. Then pour the water to the earth, or into a potted plant. As the water and nutrients are absorbed, the plant grows and gives off oxygen into the environment, thus broadcasting your manifestation.
There is nothing more liberating and joyful than dancing in the rain. It is something that I have done hundreds (if not thousands) of times throughout my lifetime, and likely a lot more than that if you include past life experiences. Allowing yourself to get completely soaked while dancing is an incredible high. Shedding some layers of clothes to do the dance is even better. As we dance, we connect, to each other, to the Earth, to all the creatures of the earth. We celebrate. We rejoice. We replenish.