People often think of synchronicity as the uncanny alignment of things. Different things happen or operate at the same time. Think of it as an orchestra playing a classical piece of music. Each instrument has its own part to play, but together all the instruments create a beautiful presentation while playing at the same time. But synchronicity can be more than that.
Things that coincide can be thought of as synchronistic. Like when your path and the plan of the Universe coincide, then it is not just coincidence. It is synchronistic. Some think of this as fate or destiny. I, personally, do not. I think of it more as a state of receptivity to the energies around you.
You could also think of it as “psychic magnetism.” For example, years and years ago I was working on some duct work in a house we had purchased. My father-in-law at that time was very skilled at this, whereas I was not. So, he was helping, which basically meant that I was helping him while he did the work. But something happened on that day. It was like, as we were working, I could suddenly understand everything that we were doing and why it had to be done that way. We became a team of total tandem operation. Just as he was about to ask for a particular tool, I already had it in hand waiting for him. As he was adjusting one part, I would, without being asked, be adjusting another part to make sure it went smoothly, which it did. We were in synch in that moment.
Another way of experiencing this is more fun. Have you ever been thinking of someone just as they phone or text you? That is synchronicity. You are “vibing in” on each other. Or have you ever been looking for someone and just “know” where that person can be found? When I was around 10 my mother and I were at a grocery store. I suddenly knew that my oldest sister (18 years older and a mother of a few children at the time) was also at the store. I mentioned this to my mother. She looked around and said, “I don’t see her anywhere.” I said to her, “No, come with me.” We had just paid for groceries and our car was on one side of the grocery store, but I led her to the other side and there, pulling into a parking spot, was my sister. This type of synchronicity is something that has proven very useful at times. I just “vibe in” on whomever it is I am looking for and know where to go to find them. No, I don’t use it in a stalker way. Although I imagine there are many stalkers who, if they had that skill set, would use it for that. And no, I don’t use it to find missing people. First off, I must know the person in order to “vibe in” on them in that particular way. Secondly, I have no interest in participating in the search for missing people. There are others that I can recommend for such things who are extremely gifted at that. I prefer to keep my skill set in its own lane.
Synchronicity can also bring you visions. That is a part of how your energy attunes to the energy flow of the Universe. For example, a few weeks before we adopted a puppy, I had an intense “dream,” which was a vision. In the dream, I woke up to the feeling of a mouse crawling on my leg. I sat bolt upright, throwing the covers off me so that I could get it off, but in throwing the covers off, the mouse went flying through the air. My partner woke up and asked what was going on. I answered that there was a mouse on me. At that moment I saw the mouse heading for the dresser for shelter, but it was suddenly caught by a dog… a dog that we did not own. I was grateful for it catching the mouse, but then I looked over at the dog bed in our bedroom, where our current dog slept. She was looking at me and then faded away into nothing. Suddenly I woke up.
The dog we currently had was elderly and quite sick. It was only a matter of time before we would have to make a very hard decision regarding her. But then a strange thing happened. My stepdaughter, who was adopting a puppy, called us and asked if we wanted to look at the other puppies, as they had to be rescued from an abusive situation. I immediately said, “No, we have an elderly dog who is ill. I could not possibly be able to care for a puppy as well.” We hung up. Then my partner walked in, and I told him what had happened. He said, “What makes you think we could not take care of a puppy?” Suddenly I knew he was right. I called her back and told her to bring the litter by. When her stepfather opened the back of his SUV the puppy who was in my dream looked up at me and we recognized each other right away. We adopted him that day. And yes, the elderly dog did pass away a few weeks later. The synchronicity of universal energies and my own was in play, otherwise we would not have been gifted with the amazing dog we now have. Three years later, I began having more visions of another dog coming to us. Then, while scrolling through Facebook, I found a photo of him. I applied immediately and within 2 days we brought him home. The two dogs get along famously.
Synchronicity can happen in many ways. It is important for all of us to be open to that flow of energy and allow it to happen when it does. It always leads us to an amazing experience. But it does need our participation, even if that participation consists of letting go and going with the flow. Without our participation, it has too many opportunities to fail. That is why I do not think of it as “destiny” or “fate.” Those things would not require even a smidgen of knowledge of their workings. But synchronicity does indeed require our participation.