A lot of people already know about the thinning of the Veils at this time of year. This is a time when it becomes quite easy to commune with those on the other side. I know as well that some folks scoff at that, chucking it all up to superstitions. However, it has been my experience that this time of year, as well as around the Beltane, the Veils allow me to connect more clearly with the Spirit realm.
We can think of it as a radio or television station that has less static and more high definition. It becomes so frequent that even in driving around the city or walking through a mall there are faceless spirits that are wondering around of which I become aware. At first, this sort of thing freaked me out. But then my grandmother on the other side walked right up to me and said, “We are only spirits, child! It’s not like we can harm you or you can harm us. There is nothing to be afraid of here! We are simply in different dimensions that are, at this time, intersecting.”
Those that I have known while they were living have faces. Those that I have not have a blank space where their faces would have been. And those who have messages for loved ones will present themselves clearly and ask me to pass the message on. I do not, however, make a habit of that. I feel that everyone is responsible for their own communication with loved ones on this side or the other. So instead of being the delivery boy of messages, I encourage them to dial the phone themselves. If the message is meant to get through, it will get through. I have had too many awkward and sometimes hostile responses to the messages delivered. So I keep it cool now.
In the meantime, I do work to help people to connect with their loved ones. For example, I lead a ceremonial circle on a monthly basis. The last one was this last Saturday and the entire theme for it was Samhain and connecting with our Ancestors. People will experience the ceremonial circle in their own individual ways. Some will connect clearly and vibrantly, while others will connect in more subtle ways. Everything in between those two ends of the spectrum is possible. I am simply honored to be able to assist in the ways that I can so that people can experience the connection.
So, if you find yourself seeing flashes of shadows out of the corner of your eye, don’t panic. It is simply your other senses picking up on the fact that the veils are thin and there is much activity on a spiritual level happening at this time.
I am going to include an article that I found in a magazine called WITCHES…a Hearst Special edition:
Enjoy the article! Bright Samhain Blessings!