This is something that is very important for all of us to do. Speaking our truth helps us to remain personally authentic. And so often in life we get messages that we are supposed to just agree, or if we can’t agree then we are supposed to just sit down and shut up. That is toxic beyond belief. It is about the control over others and can lead to some extremely abusive behaviors.
As a result, many people just shut down and don’t speak up anymore for fear of ridicule, aggression and abuse. This is how the perfect puppet is made. Someone else is pulling the strings and dictating how we respond to anything and everything. Before we know it we are completely under their control. This happens in families, communities, religions and nations. How else do you think autocratic dictators come into power? Fear mongering is a thing and they use it well. And because people become afraid to express themselves regarding this, the dictator wins.
But what happens when one breaks free of the dysfunctional cycle? How do we heal from this? One of the things that I have noticed with people coming out of this kind of environment is that their base chakra and their throat chakra are usually blocked up and sometimes completely closed off. This also affects their heart chakra. In energetic healing work, I often, but not always, will begin with working with the heart chakra. The reason for this is that the person needs to begin the path of self-acceptance and self-love for the healing to take place anywhere else throughout the energy system. Those are related to the heart chakra.
It is not that this has to be done in any particular order. Nor is it that one thing has to be completely healed before moving into the healing of the next thing. It is just that someone has to begin somewhere. In order to untangle a ball of yarn, you have to be able to pick it up from one end and work your way all the way to the other end.
When we move on to the base chakra we are then working on the issues regarding personal strength, personal space and personal safety. People who have been abused often will have a base chakra that is damaged and blocked. It takes some time with energy healing to get this repaired, so be patient with yourself as a healer and as a client. There is no rushing this type of healing. Also be careful around healers who claim to be able to have this done in X number of sessions or less. Those are pretenders. They like to make people think that they are so good that they can guarantee the healing to be complete in a certain number of sessions. But when that is not the case, they then try to blame the patient for being “resistent.” That is all a scam. Don’t fall for it.
When we get to the throat chakra, we are working on issues around self-expression. Sometimes if the base chakra is still in flux when the throat chakra begins to open the person will begin to express themselves, but will do so in not the best of ways. You will often hear them say things like, “I am going to SPEAK MY TRUTH.” And there is nothing wrong with speaking your truth. But a certain amount of gentleness in doing so is also required. Without that gentleness, the “truth” comes out in harsh, aggressive and uncaring ways. So instead of speaking actual truth, one’s expression begins to make them look like a total dick. Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind? These are the things that need to be considered before anything comes out of our mouths. If we all kept this as a measuring tool when communicating, there could be a LOT less hurt in the world. As the throat chakra heals and aligns with the heart chakra the personal expression becomes softer, more gentle. That is not the same as being weak. Weak is when it is harsh and uncaring. There is an abundance of strength involved in being gentle and kind.
There is also the soul level of healing from abuse. When people are abused they download soul energies. These energies get attached to a person (often the abuser), a place (often the location of the abuse) or a time (often the moment of the abuse). When working with soul energy, I tend to track it back through the energy line, or imprint, to the person/place/time. From there I will escort it into the Light to heal and purify, and then from there will escort it back to the temple of the body with which it belongs. This is called Soul Retrieval. It is a skill set that very few energy practitioners posess because they have usually not been trained in the proper way to perform this task. Many will call what they do “Soul Retrieval,” but when they do that without the proper training they misrepresent themselves and the process and can actually do more harm than good.
Once the soul energy is returned to the temple of the physical body it will find its “nesting place” within that temple. Once that nesting place has been established it will go on to do whatever its purpose was before it left the temple. Some soul energy will help particular organs to function. Some will be more involved in the emotional energy. Others will be connected to the mental energy and so on.
It is important to note that when Soul Retrieval is done, there is often first a moment of Soul Extraction. The reason for this is that during aggression and abuse, the abuser’s soul energy will often invade the victim’s temple, or pile in on top of it, as a means of dominating and controling them. When this happens the person will feel burdened and oppressed. When extraction of that soul energy happens the person will often feel suddenly 20+ pounds lighter! And that is sometimes without even knowing what just took place in the extraction process! The soul energy that is extracted is not just tossed aside. It is escorted into the Light where it can heal and purify and retrun to its own temple in its own time and in its own space. That way the opportunity for healing to happen for the abuser is also possible, but is still that person’s choice. Nobody can force healing on anyone. It does not work that way.
When the extraction is done, there is room for the soul energy that is retrieved to settle into its nesting space unencumbered. Once this takes place, even deeper healing of the heart, throat and base chakras can take place. This will often also lead to or include the healing of the other chakras as well. And, depending upon the form of abuse, often the other chakras will also have blockages and damage that the abuse has caused. This is why it is important to be patient with yourself when healing. Everything is connected, but it all takes time to sort out and integrate the healing energies into a more stable and constant state of inner strength. And the more this happens for you, the more you are able to clearly speak your truth…not as a victim, not as a survivor, but as one who now thrives!