Over the years I have had a lot of folks express to me how irritated they get with those who seek answers to life’s more difficult questions. They complain that these folks are never committed to any one path of spirituality, any one religion, any one tradition. They simply go on their merry way, continuing to seek answers for themselves instead of paying attention to those systems or those people who have the answers.
I find this criticism of the Seeker to be infantile at best.
I have always admired those who are intelligent enough to know that there is even more than what they have been spoon fed. I have always admired those who can hold two opposing views at the same time, because this shows great capacity for both intelligence and empathy. And I have always admired those who know that they will never know it all.
On the other hand, those who think that their tradition or religion or spiritual path is the one and only truth are some of the most dangerous people on the planet. They end up preaching hate of certain groups of people because they do not adhere to what THEIR truth is. These are people around whom you definitely need to be warry.
My question for people like that is this. If one does not seek, then how does one discover anything at all? Innovation and invention has always been based upon those who seek and who think outside of the box. They are not spoon fed anything, and if they are, they simply acknowledge it and then move on in their seeking. These are the people who have pulled humanity, kicking and screaming, into the 21st century!
“But, Deerhorn, Seekers are simply pretenders who don’t commit to any one path.” Wrong. A pretender thinks they know it all. A Seeker knows that they don’t know it all and continue on their search. They incorporate truths that resonate with them and they are able to adjust those truths as they learn and grow, which is something that a pretender would never entertain doing.
In the words of Henry Miller:
I encourage all of my readers to embrace their inner Seeker. Find your truths. Adjust them as you learn more. Adapt to what you see is needed right there in front of you. Allow yourself to expand and uplift your consciousness every single day. And remember to share what you have learned with those who are interested. For those who are not, then know that they are simply not there yet, and just continue on your path.