Last month I spent a bit of time talking about the various kinds of “ghosts” that people can encounter, and helping to dispel some of the negative ideas about them. Since then I have been very busy with Samhain and Day of the Dead celebrations. I commune a lot with my Ancestral spirits, so this time of year is especially important to me, as the Veils are thin and it makes the “connection on the phone line” smoother and clearer. Needless to say, it has been quite active.
Today, I would like to give a nod to the fact that there are also malevolent spirits out there. These entities often will attach themselves to someone in an effort to “feed” off of that person’s energy field. Most people are completely unaware of the attachment for a few reasons:
- They have been taught that all this stuff is mumbo jumbo.
- They are not energetically intelligent enough to recognize when something like this happens.
- If they were to get a sniff that this sort of thing happens, then they would also have to acknowledge that there is a vast spectrum of reality of which they have been completely ignorant.
The list goes on, really. The thing is that our perceptual awareness tends to only cover 2% of what all is out there. So it really isn’t anyone’s fault if they are unaware. It is, however, their fault if they have become aware and then deny it. This is a completely irresponsible act.
Now, I should also mention that there are many of us who carry the “shining,” which is another term for the “gift.” This means that we are able to access parts of our brain’s functioning that others are unable to access. Thus we become aware of things around us that others cannot see, hear, taste, smell, etc. Often those with the shining are thought to be completely coo coo by those without it. Now, I am not saying that those of us with the shining should be “revered,” or anything like that, but we should at the very least be able to have some respect, and have someone without the shining be able to believe us, even if they cannot see or hear what we see or hear. But humans are egocentric beings, and as such prefer to belittle anything that challenges their teeny tiny world views. So the challenge for those of us with the shining is to accept the gift and also to protect ourselves from those without the gift.
And now, back to the subject matter. Dark entities tend to be mostly attracted to those with the shining. We are supposed to shine as bright as possible to bring LIGHT into the darkness of the world. But in doing so, we also become beacons for those with malicious intent. I often end up assisting those with the shining to detach entities that have attached themselves to the shining one. I also often hear, “Why me? What do they want with ME? I am nobody.” But that is not true. You are not nobody. You are a shining one. As such, you also have a responsibility to the shining, which is to acknowledge it and shine as bright as you can into the world around you. Use your gifts unashamedly and use them to help others, as well as to PROTECT YOURSELF. You have a right to peace. You have a right to be left alone by dark entities. So do not worry yourself about what happens to them when they become detached from you. It is not your responsibility to carry them around, because in doing so you will end up spreading their negative energies throughout the world. I assure you that when they become detached, they are not harmed. They may see it as harm, because, just like any other bully in the world, they are forced to take responsibility for their actions and when that happens they do not like it. But the goal is not just to heal you of the infection of the attachment, but to also heal the attachment so that it no longer does that to anyone.
There are also other kinds of entity attachments that can take place. For example, an earth-bound spirit may attach to you. It mistakes your light for THE LIGHT and then unintentionally begins to feed on your energy. These ones, once they get the difference between your light and THE LIGHT, tend to feel great remorse for what they were doing by mistake. The thing is, they were simply lost and confused. And there is no negative karma that is created in this type of situation. As long as we can make it right, then only positive karma gets created out of a negative situation like this.
So, what are the signs that you may have an entity attachment?
- Feeling inexplicably exhausted for longer than a day or two.
- Mental confusion, a dullness of sorts that takes over your thinking cap.
- Inexplicable feelings of loss, sorrow and grief.
- Sudden illness that won’t go away and had no medical reason to have developed.
- Diving into vices that you would otherwise have avoided at all costs.
- Dullness of emotions and emotional connection.
- Depression and suicidal thoughts.
- Self-destructive tendencies.
- Complete lack of joy from things that used to bring you passion and pleasure.
- Horrible dreams that involve being “invaded” or “possessed” or chased by dark figures.
- Night terrors.
- Nocturnal visitations by beings that terrify you.
- Sleep paralysis.
- Anxiety and panic attacks.
- The development of negative habits that you did not previously have.
- Fear of going to sleep and “losing control.”
- A sense of impending doom, without any reason for the feeling to actually be there.
These are just a few. Yes, some of them may also be connected to other things that a person is experiencing. But when those other things are not present and accounted for, then it becomes a red flag.
As a shaman, most often when I see someone I am able to tell pretty quickly if they have an entity attachment. It shows up in their energy field almost immediately. As I have mentioned in previous blogs, I was born with the ability to see energy systems. I see those FIRST and then move my perception deeper through the colors of the energy to find the physical form. So, needless to say, when an attachment is riding along on someone like a monkey on their back, I can see it. Sometimes, however, they also burrow their way into the energy system, even into the physical body. So they are not necessarily so prevalent in appearance. But once I begin working on a person’s energy field to do healing on them, I tend to find where they entered and am able to pull them out and detach them completely. It is never a matter of not being able to do the job. It is more a matter of when a person decides that they need the help. I do not work on anyone without their permission, so they have to come to me and ask for an assist. That way, we are able to work together ethically.
Yes, this does mean that sometimes, when out in public, I will see a stranger who has entity attachments. No, that does not mean that I am responsible to heal them, on the spot or covertly on the side. The term, “Not my circus, not my monkeys,” comes to mind here. If they want an assist, they will find someone to help them, be that myself or someone else who is also skilled in this regard. Once in a blue moon I might bring the fact that they have entity attachments to their attention, but that is rare because I have learned over the years that doing so also sets me up for attack from them. So I leave it alone, move along and do my own thing and then go home.
Entity attachments do not rely upon this time of year, when the Veils are thinnest, to be able to attach themselves. Most often, they are not concerned about communicating with the shining one. They are more concerned with being able to feed off of the shining one’s energy field. So this type of thing can happen anytime, anywhere. I would like to take a moment and describe how I experienced this type of thing myself in case the experience brings something to mind for someone reading this.
I was exhausted. We had been dealing with a very sick dog and the stress and worry that was happening, combined with the nocturnal disruptions as a result, had me fatigued beyond measure. I decided to go downstairs and grab some sleep somewhere other than the bedroom. Around 3:30 in the morning, I woke up to the feeling of an icy cold hand on my shoulder. I looked to where the sensation was and there were very long fingers slowly wrapping themselves around my bicep. I could feel this entity sucking energy out of me along my spine. The sensation was similar to when we have goose bumps on our arms, but it was all up and down my spine. My body felt paralyzed and I knew that I would not even be able to make a sound, as this sort of thing had happened years ago. So I focused on my shielding system in my energy field, and I fed it with a solar blast from my solar plexus chakra. This brought my ability to move back while simultaneously giving my shielding process an extra kick. I found myself yelling, “Off! NOW!” and my energy blasted it off of my back. Physically, it hit the furniture that was behind me (I was sleeping on my side), and when I rolled over it dissipated and completely disappeared. Where did it go? I am not sure at the moment. Will it be back? Not likely, now that it knows that this shining one is a fighter. But if it does come back, I will be prepared.
This is why it is so important for a person to attend to their energy field. It is not just about having good health, it is also about having strength and fortitude in your energy system. Having healing sessions for your energy field is important, but so are meditation and energy exercises, because doing these things is equivalent to practicing your form in a martial art.
So yes, there are things that one can do daily that can help prevent such an attachment. Yet sometimes we will still get an attachment and will need to know how to rid ourselves of them or who to call to help us to do so. The thing is that we have a LOT more say in what happens to us in a circumstance such as this than we often give ourselves credit for. It truly is time, though, for us all to begin to educate ourselves about this type of thing and to gather tools in the bag for how to deal with it when it happens to us.