From the time that the first humanoid gazed into the still water of a pond and saw their reflection, we have been fascinated by mirrors of various forms. Often mirrors are used to see if we look “presentable” for the rest of the world. Is our hair just right? Is our makeup on just so? Do our clothes look good on us, or make us look fat? All of these things are concerns about the exterior presentation of the self. But did you know that a mirror can be used to see within?
This is part of what is called the art of “scrying.” To “scry” is to “see.” It doesn’t matter if it is the glassy surface of the water, a crystal ball, the reflection of the sun off of a shiny surface, or a scrying mirror, each and every one of these things can serve to assist us to go “within” and to see what our conscious minds have been either not noticing or actively blocking out, for whatever reason.
The first time I noticed the power of the reflection, I was sitting on my bed as a teenager, listening to music, and looked up at my reflection in the mirror on my dresser. Suddenly, behind me, there was a figure standing there. I spun around to see it more clearly, but it was not there. As I turned around and faced the mirror once again, however, it reappeared, just standing there, watching me in the mirror. I spoke to it, asking who it was, what it wanted, and why it was here? The mouth would move, but I could hear no sound.
After that, this figure would appear in my dreams, always with a spoken message that, this time, I actually could hear. I realized that this figure was a Spirit Guide. This one was with me for a number of years, always guiding me straight and true. It would give me clues as to whether or not someone was being honest with me, whether or not I was in danger, and what types of things I should explore to enhance my already growing abilities. This is why it was no surprise to me back then when my girlfriend wanted to end our relationship. The Spirit Guide had already prepared me for that. So it was not like I was completely blindsided. I just had advance notice so that I could make preparations for the actual event, and so that I could begin the process of moving on. That was one of the smoothest break ups that I have ever had.
Since that time in my life, I have used scrying mirrors in a variety of ways. Sometimes they are hung here and there through my work or living space, granting me glimpses of things happening around me that otherwise would go unseen. Sometimes they serve more as a bit of a portal through which negative energies can be released. Sometimes when people see a scrying mirror hanging on a wall, with its black glassy surface, they get a little freaked out. For some reason it gives them the heebie geebies. I explain what it is and why it is there, and that often helps them to understand that there is nothing to fear with it. Sometimes, however, even the explanation will freak them out even more. At times like that I just veil the mirror until they leave my home or work space.
The thing is that the mirror effect can happen in a lot of different places, such as the mirrors in our homes, in our vehicles, or even the black glassy surface of our computers when they are powered down. We really cannot escape it. So why not get to know how to use it?
This is something that, as a Shaman, I often help people with. I have used the scrying mirror for decades, so helping someone else to learn how to use one is actually quite easy. Once a person experiences the effect of using a scrying mirror, they usually want to go back to it often to glean insights and guidance into their personal lives. It is not about using it to “spy” on anyone, but rather to turn our attention inward so that we can experience our deepest insights and epiphanies. If you have never tried this method of seeing, I recommend it. But, whether it be with myself or with someone else, please do get proper training in the how to’s of it all. That way you won’t freak yourself out.