I am writing this one for all the freaks, all the outsiders, all those who are constantly being told that they are supposed to fit in to what society dictates is “normal” and “right.” I want to assure you that society does not know you, nor does it want to. Society is regulated and influenced by dogmatic and narrow minded belief systems that are designed to hold you back and to keep you down. That way they can control the masses. Don’t let them control your mind.
The mind is like a parachute. It works best when it is wide open. When it is closed, one drops like a rock. Keep yours open to possibilities and challenge yourself to explore new ideas every single day. Allow yourself to discover what is congruent with you as a person, not you as a “respectable member of society.” I have always found that term to be hilarious. It makes a drone seem like a super hero. But that person is still just a drone…punching the eternal clock and working their soul into the ground for a measly minimum wage. Keep yourself open. Keep exploring. Expand your consciousness beyond what society wants you to become.
The truth of the matter is that the reason society does not like you in your uniqueness is that it wishes it could be like you. That’s right. Society doesn’t have the balls to step out of its tight little box of reality. And when it sees someone who does do that, it gets jealous. And in order to keep you down, it starts to criticize and condemn you. Always remember that any fool can complain, criticize and condemn…and THEY usually do. So step out. Step up. Rise!
When I was a kid I was constantly being told by society that I could not be this or that, and that if I tried then there was something wrong with me. It took years for me to figure out that I was in a situation of being oppressed by belief systems that did not apply to who I really was. Each time I allowed myself to explore and to expand, I would cast out yet more belief systems that did not apply to me. This would concern many, many people, believe me. But I had to be me, regardless of their concern. And you know what? I am alright. I am living a healthy and productive life and helping others to do the same. I never needed society’s approval for this. Nor will I ever need society’s approval for this. Yes, it can sometimes be a lonely road to travel. So what? It gives a person time to discover who they really are when they are not being codependent upon others to tell them who they are. And as we sit in loneliness, we discover that there is a difference between being alone and being all one. As we become all one, we begin to recognize other members of our tribe, those who resonate with our “strangeness.” We are always taught to not trust strangers. I have discovered that I am stranger than most, so as long as I trust myself it really doesn’t matter what a stranger says or does. That trust in myself has gotten me through plenty of difficult times. Times when most people would buckle under the pressure or under grief or under the weight of life…those are the times when one MUST believe in oneself. You don’t need a deity to help you through. You need the courage and the trust in oneself to help you through. You need to be able to step away from the codependence on everyone else and everything else and recognize that, difficult as it is, this is YOUR journey, not theirs. So make the best of it.
As you make the best of it, you become vibrant and strong. Your light shines forth and inspires others to do the same thing. Before you know it, your tribe has expanded into a nation. If we are ever going to see the changes that are much needed for humanity then we have to initiate those changes within ourselves. We need to fearlessly go forth and be magnificent beings who do not put up with outmoded mentalities. The more of us that do that, the faster the shift can happen. Yes, this means you do, indeed, need to take even more responsibility for yourself than others take for themselves. That part does suck at times. But it is worth it. Because, in the end, you will be the one standing strong where others have collapsed. And yes, for those who are willing to change, you can help them to do so by inspiring them with your own way of life. You need not try to do the work for them, because that does not promote anything other than codependence. Just be you…your MAGNIFICENT SELF. That is all you need to do.
Many Warm Blessings!