Over the last few weeks there have been a few people who, unbeknownst to one another, have asked me the same question: Is there such a thing as cross-species reincarnation? By this they mean, can one reincarnate as an animal or a tree or a rock and so on. Because of my experience in this field I have to always say “yes.” Here is why.
We humans have a delusion wherein we think that we are more evolved than other species on our planet. Well, if you look at the world wars we have had, the genocides we have inflicted, the racial hate that has existed for thousands of years, I would have to respectfully disagree. We act as though we are less evolved than a gnat. And then we are arrogant enough to try to think that we are superior. This disgusts me.
But there is another reason that I know that we can reincarnate into a different species. Because I remember doing it. In no particular order, I have reincarnated on other planets as different life forms. Those were mostly humanoid. Some were not. I have also spent 400 years living as a tree, when previous to that I was a Druid priest. So yes, we can reincarnate from human to other life forms here on our own planet. I have also spent several lifetimes as a dog, as a wolf and as an owl. And in between all of these lifetimes I was a human of one form or another. So from my personal experience, I can say that it is entirely possible that we can do this. The key is in why we choose to do it.
I have often said that if I reincarnate I would like to come back as one of my own dogs. I care deeply for my dogs. And I think that on a heart level I connect with them in ways that I have never been able to with my human friends and family. A few times in my past lives I actually did come back as a dog to the person that I was when I was living as a human…so I came back as my past pet. Mind blown, right? So not only did I reincarnate as an animal, a pet that I owned, but I also reincarnated backward in time to find my owner…who was me.
Now people often wonder about how something like that can be. Here is the thing. The human mind is fragile. We are quite efficiently programmed to think that we are superior and that we have just one go at this thing called life. Lies…all of it. Yes, we are evolving on a spiritual level. No, we don’t do that over just one lifetime. That would be impossible. Thus, we come back to continue the journey of evolution through the next life and the next. And sometimes that requires a “re-do” from a different perspective. So instead of moving on to another human life, there have been times that I wanted a different perspective so I came back as my past life character’s pet. That way I could witness my life as that person from a different perspective entirely, and I would also discover why the bond between us was so strong. After all, we were relating not to one another but to another part of ourselves.
I have also been on Earth and then on a different planet and then back here on Earth with each reincarnation. This lifetime I remember a LOT of my past lives. In some lifetimes I had no idea. The memory would come much later, in another life. This way I could focus on the lesson at hand instead of where I had already lived. When my kids were very young I would remind them now and then to “look where you are going instead of where you have been.” That way they would not be running while looking back over their shoulders and then tripping or running into a tree or something. That is often how past lives serve us. We instinctually will know if we are down for something or not, and not know exactly why we are or are not because we are not looking back at when we did that before in another life. We just go with what resonates with us.
Now, please don’t get me wrong here. I am not preaching that everyone in the world must believe in past lives or in cross-species reincarnation or anything like that. I am just talking about what my experience has been. If you want to completely disregard this information that is, of course, your choice. But if you choose to explore that within yourself, I encourage you to do so with an open heart. The reason for that is that you may discover things that you really would rather not have known. I remember being absolutely devastated when I discovered (remembered) a past life as a serial killer. But I also had to look at all of that with compassion and understand what led me to do that back then. I was also in a parallel life as the inspector who was hunting the serial killer. Yes, parallel lives can happen. Just as I reincarnated as a former pet, I also reincarnated as my own nemesis. Welcome to my rabbit hole!
One of the gifts that has resulted from this is that in exploring this for myself I have also begun being able to view other people’s past lives. This comes in very handy when we are dealing with healing old wounds that began not in this life but in a former life. Tracking that wound and helping it to release is one of the most rewarding things that I have been blessed with the ability to do. I do, however, try to make sure that a person does not get caught up in the web of past life existences. After all, we are meant to live THIS life and to move on from there. If we are constantly looking back we run the risk of running into the proverbial tree.