When I was young and in grade 1 (I am so old that this is before there was such a thing as Kindergarten or Play School in our area) my teacher reamed me out for colouring outside of the lines. To me, the lines were an unnecessary restriction on what was actually there, in my mind. I was very upset with her for being so mean to me and so cruel as to belittle me in front of everyone else in my class. When I went home I immediately went into my bedroom and cried. My mother heard me from the kitchen and came to see what was wrong. I told her about the event.
My mother knew that I was one of those special kids that was being born into the world. Back then and to this day, before I see the physical aspects of a person (or anything for that matter) I see the energy that flows through and around it. After I work for a few seconds, seeing all the layers of energy, I can finally get to the point where I am able to see things like hair colour and eye colour. This makes me a bit of a human lie detector, because when people are deceiving someone their energy will be saying one thing while their words are saying another. That becomes a problem because there are numerous reasons, not all of them deceitful, why people lie about things. I have had to learn to not take this personally and let them decide what they will or will not say.
Imagine what it is like to grow up like that in a world where energy is not acknowledged. I have spent well over 50 years around people who have denied the existence of anything other than the mere physical realm, have been criticised for my awareness of what these people cannot see, and have suffered humiliation and aggression as a result of it, especially when I demonstrate what I know about them based upon their energy. They suddenly get all freaked out and will strike out with words, and sometimes with fists, and a LOT of times with religious rhetoric that is completely meaningless.
Now, many years later, enter Quantum Physics. Scientist are suddenly becoming very interested in that which the human eye cannot see, and that which the human experience cannot yet understand. They, too, are initially thought of as complete quacks for over 20 years. But they have been persistent and have developed machinery that can detect things that are not seen or experienced by most people. Here is the thing…what they are detecting is what I have known about all my life and what others like me have known about all their lives as well. We may not have the scientific terminology for what we know, but when it is explained in layman’s terms it completely matches what our perceptions and experiences have been telling us all along. There is more to this than meets the eye!
I believe that evolution is not the gaining of abilities that were previously underdeveloped. I believe it to be the shedding of everything else that stands in the way of those abilities. Generally speaking we use an incredibly small percentage of our human brains to do our day to day lives. Yet, when studied under current scientific machinery that has only in the last 25 years been developed, those of us with “magical” or “Psychic” abilities show time and time again that our brains work differently. We have somehow been able to access parts of our brains that others have not yet been able to access for themselves. We do this naturally. It is not like we have learned how in some manual. It is not like there is an inner switch that we can turn on or off at any given moment. It is a natural flow.
There are some things that can trigger it though. I remember our family thinking that our house was haunted because at night things would start bumping and banging around the house. Then a friend of my parents told them that it was me doing this in my sleep. At first they thought that I was sleep walking. But the friend, who was a practicing healing witch, informed them that I was developing telekinesis. Moving objects without touching them. Loads of fun when you have no control. It was being triggered by stress caused by bullying in school. Then, after years of practice to gain control, this has become very useful when moving energy during an energy healing session.
My father wanted me to entertain friends by bending spoons. I was highly offended by this. There is nothing like being a teenager and being demanded to perform like a circus bear to gain the applause of people you don’t even know. I eventually found my voice and refused to perform. Then I pushed it down so that it would not come out, even in my sleep. Then, a few years later, it came out in spades because I was in a panic situation and freaking out and it had been bottled up too long. BOOM!
After that, word got out. Then religious freaks decided that I was the devil. It got really ugly. I finally decided that it would be best if I just moved away, so I did. Fortunately I had someone I could go live with. Years later, I finally decided to stop hiding who I am. Leading up to that were years of spiritual study in both world religions and anything and everything that was not of religion. I decided that most world religions are too preoccupied with ruling over the masses and controlling people. So I continued on my path into more spiritual matters. Eventually I became a shaman. That is pronounced “Shaw” “Man”. Some people like to say it “Shame” “Man”. I take the “Shame” out of it. It was never there in the beginning when that word was used to describe a gifted healer. Many think that the word originates in North America. That it does not. It is actually something that originates in Siberia. At least, that seems to be as far back as it is currently tracked. I think that it, and other titles that mean the same thing, have existed throughout time and in every culture in the world. Shamans have been around for over 40,000 years. I think that it is time that the rest of the world finally gets on the same page.
There are a lot of books and articles that one can Google regarding energy, chakras, meridians, and so on, and these are from technologies that have existed for thousands of years before the new kid on the block arrived (contemporary medicine). I am not saying that it is more important than or better than what is contemporarily available. I am saying that it cannot be ignored. Science is no longer ignoring it and neither should contemporary medical practices. And no, I do NOT think that contemporary medical authorities should in any way be trying to regulate it. That would be insanity. I am saying that it can all work together if everyone just steps out of their dogmatic points of view and sees that everything makes sense because each holds yet another piece of the puzzle to what makes us who and what we are and what heals us when things go sideways. I have no interest in going through test sequences to prove that it exists. That has already been done and I have no interest in re-inventing the wheel. I have no interest in trying to fit in to the current “standard” of practice that contemporary medicine requires. That is for doctors and nurses and such. I am not a medical practitioner so those rules do not apply to me or what I do. But neither does what I do contradict what contemporary medical practice does for helping people to heal. In fact, it only serves to make it even better because it fills in the multitudes of blanks that medicine does not address.
When I was in grade 1, my mother made an appointment to go speak to my grade 1 teacher. The teacher never harassed me about colouring outside of the lines again. True story.