I know. That seems like a really weird title for a blog. I mean, does this mean that we are all fools who will die eventually? Well, I don’t know about the fool part, but the dying eventually is totally true for all of us. This is just a part of the cycle of life. I have, personally, never feared death. I have found that there have been times when I would have welcomed it, yes. I have actually been clinically dead a few times in my life, because of very poor health and even poorer medical responses. But each time I came back, even after the “extreme measures” were finished. It has been like one of those scenes that you see in movies, where the “dead” person is being given CPR and then they “call it”. Insert long pause, then suddenly the person GASPS for air and coughs and chokes and gasps for more air and looks around at people who are in shock that a dead person came back to life. That’s me. I have a tendency to not be very dead for very long. There is something that keeps pulling me back here so that I can finish my damn job. One day I will be the one who is shocked by the fact that I did NOT come back. I can hardly wait to see the look on MY face at that point in time. I am sure there will be a moment or two where it will have to sink in and then I will say something stupid like, “Well….shit.” It will be a TOTAL plot twist.
That title, though, is actually just the first half of a quote. This is a quote from the character of Merlin, in the Netflix series, Cursed. What he said was, “Any fool can die. Living takes imagination.” I found this to be a fascinating line. I have often thought to myself that humans have this very strange ability to get themselves bogged down in expectations and obligations. In doing so, they often live lives of “grey,” meaning no excitement or pleasure, just plodding along in depression and dismay. I have, myself, struggled with depression now and then. I am seasonally affected so I have to be very careful, especially in winter when the sun rarely shows itself. And sometimes with life circumstances, such as having a spouse die, there can be quite understandable depression. I have never sought medication for this because one, although it affects me every winter, is quite manageable with Vitamin D3. It works for me. And the other, being circumstantial, was something that I just worked through with therapy as opposed to drugging myself up. No, I am not one to jump to pills to solve my issues. But if I need them, for example to manage diabetes, then I will certainly use them. But it makes me wonder with how often I observe very unhappy people who hate their lives just how they cope or if they are constantly on the brink of self-destruction just to make the pain stop. My heart breaks for folks who struggle that way.
But it also makes me wonder what ever happened to their imaginations? A lot of folks equate the imagination with “fantasy” or “make believe.” I don’t think of it at all in that way. For me, the imagination is the key to my successes and my joys and my passions. Without my imagination I am sure that I would not be a shamanic practitioner at all. I would likely be mining coal or something. But I do have an imagination. And I have led an extremely full, eventful, enriching life. I thank the powers that be every single day for the fact that I have made it thus far and have somehow managed to find peace, joy and love along the way, because life is not that enjoyable without those things. No, I don’t make money hand over fist. That is not what makes me happy anyway. I do, however, put my all into my life. I create beautiful garden spaces in my yard, I create beautiful spaces in my home, I create beautiful spaces within people’s minds. I use everything that I am to inspire others to do the same. And I laugh. I laugh at life, at circumstances, and yes, I laugh at idiots who do ridiculous things. I have a very twisted sense of humor, so please do not slip and fall on ice in my presence. I will not be able to breathe through my laughter to help you at all. And I will laugh even harder if it is me who slips and falls. So don’t take it too seriously. See, for me the imagination feeds ALL of that. It has helped me to “tune in” to what is coming down the pike and often has helped me to decide what I am going to do about whatever it is that is coming down that pike. It helps me find creative solutions to life’s weird situations and has, at times, helped me play the “slippery chicken” in order to get out of some very tight spots. It is a resource. And it is one that I highly recommend folks start using for themselves, because without it you may just find yourself completely trapped with no way out. When you look at the word “imagination” there are a few words within that. There is the word “image,” which is an indication that we need to visualize what it is we are wanting to create. There is also the word “nation,” which is an acknowledgement that we use the imagination not just for ourselves but for an entire nation…be it a country, a planet, or a galaxy/universe. And, most importantly, there is the word “magi,” which acknowledges the inner wise magician within us all. So how do we begin with accessing our imaginations?
Begin with the little things. How can you beautify your living space without spending much money to do so? Can you pick or purchase a bouquet of flowers? Do you have a crystal stored away somewhere that you can display? Do you paint or sculpt at all and, if so, can you display some of your creations? Do you need to simply switch out some throw cushions in order to create an entirely new feel to your space? Can you just burn some beautifully smelling incense? Can you play gorgeous music in the background? None of these things cost much at all, it is simply a matter of being creative with what you already have.
Taking time to meditate helps tremendously. I know. I am a strong proponent for meditation. The reason for that is that it allows you to practice emptying the mind clutter and then create more focus. Once that focus is achieved, you can use that to access your imagination and find all sorts of solutions to a plethora of circumstances and tasks. And if you are going to meditate, then you will need a serene place to do that, be it outdoors or inside where you will not be disturbed. Don’t try meditating in the laundry room where all the clutter of storage and stuff is piled. That will not serve you well. Create your own meditation corner that is perhaps minimalist in nature. That way there are not physical distractions to occupy your mind. Wear a blindfold and/or ear plugs if you must to get away from family noise. But meditate. You will thank me.
These are but a few of the ideas that one can come up with to live life with imagination. I hope that they help you.