There are so many things that can have an effect on our perceptions. These perceptions will be what forms our view of the world around us. Do we see the world as generally a safe place? Do we see it as a dangerous place? Do we meet those with differences from what we are used to with open arms or with great suspicion? Do we even see what is right in front of us, or are we only perceiving what is “acceptable” and what is “habitual”?
Even our language can change how we perceive the world around us. For example, in one language a vehicle may be described in masculine terms such as “sturdy” and “reliable” whereas that same vehicle may be described in feminine terms such as “sleek” and “sexy” in another language. This sort of difference will be what then leads people into presumptions that are based completely upon gender biases.
I remember being in an Astronomy class in university. I believe I may have shared this story before, so I will keep it brief. My assignment was to calculate how many planets could possibly sustain human life in our galaxy. This would be based upon known M-class planets, like our own. So I wrote the essay on the subject matter. I got a very good mark on that paper…somewhere in the upper 90’s. We also had to present our papers to the class. So when I did so I made sure that everything was as understandable as it could possibly be, even for a lay person. I left time at the end for some questions and answers, of which there were a few. When it looked like there were no more questions the professor thanked me for the presentation. I could hold it in no longer. I just blurted out that this paper was only discussing life as we know it, and that there could possibly be many other forms of life with which we are unfamiliar. The professor asked me to elaborate, so I did. I said that we are a carbon based life form. But there could be life forms with other types of bases, some of which we may not even be able to perceive because the human eye can only perceive a certain spectrum of light. So if there were beings of a different spectrum of light, they could be sitting here right now laughing at our monkey minds trying to grasp the vastness of a universe, the likes of which is quite unfathomable to us. The professor ended it there. He was more of a “concrete reality” type of personality. The point I was trying to make, though, was not lost on him or a number of my classmates. We perceive only what we are able to perceive. Beyond that, we have to be introduced and get to know something before we can fully comprehend its presence in our lives.
How many aspects of one’s life and one’s world are really within one’s perception? When you think about this, there are a LOT of things that those who are labelled “psychic” perceive that others do not. Could it be that a part of the brain is in action that most have dormant? There have been numerous studies done that would suggest just that. Unfortunately, these studies often lead the subject into areas of being “utilised” by the military and such for “national defence” purposes, all of which is simply a form of an oppressor doing what they do best…oppressing. But this does not negate the fact that science is gradually catching up to catching on to the fact that some of us use parts of our brains that others do not. Those parts of our brains generate extrasensory perceptions and extraordinary abilities. This does not make those of us with these abilities “freaks of nature”. I would suggest that we are either the remnants of our ancestral connections that had these abilities all along, or perhaps the next step in evolution, in which case many more will be born with these abilities as the years go on. Or perhaps it is both. Perhaps we are both inheriting these abilities and, for whatever reason, whatever was blocking these abilities can no longer do so and therefore more people are experiencing them. The thing is, either way, these abilities are NATURAL. Because they are natural, they can awaken within anyone at any time.
This, to me, is a good thing. Not only because I will personally not feel so alone in these gifts and talents and abilities, but because I believe, on a very deep soul level, that as we awaken our general population will, hopefully, become more enlightened. Hopefully it will lead to greater harmony between people, regardless of age, gender, race, political position, sexual orientation, or any other thing that is actually a non-issue when it comes right down to the fact that we are all human. I think that the possibility is there. But I also think that there are people in play who will do anything and everything in their power to make sure that this does not happen, or at least does not happen smoothly. When you think about it, there are people in charge who do not want to give up their power. That one fact is what will motivate many to try to destroy how the perceptions of others develop. If they cannot destroy them, they will certainly want to try to influence them in their own favour.
As people who perceive things beyond what others perceive, it is important that we know a few things.
- We are not alone. We are told that we are, but there are MANY like us.
- We are not crazy, as some would have us believe. The fact that they cannot see or hear or feel things that we do does not make us the problem, it makes their lack of perception the problem.
- We do not have to use any of our abilities to serve anyone else. Many will try to make us do just that. They will try to make us serve their selfish needs and their political or economic agendas. Resist that completely.
- We are not “evil” because we are gifted. So don’t let your religious leaders, your political leaders, or even your own parents say otherwise.
- Trust yourself above all others.
- Know that there is a difference between things perceived through mental illness and things perceived through being gifted. Some mental illnesses do exist. Some are the result of the struggle to cope with the extra perceptiveness of individuals who are gifted. Some are merely a chemical imbalance. These things need to be sorted out… quickly.
- Being gifted does not make us any better than anyone else. We simply have abilities that others do not. We were born with them. Personally I envy people who are gifted with understanding of mathematics and algebra etc because that is not where I am gifted at all. I am envious of those who are gifted with an understanding of tech. I am not. But this is what makes us all fascinating people.
As we become more casual and chill about these things, they more easily blend into our every day reality. We don’t have to make a big deal about it in any way. Just relax and know that you know what you know because you know, you know?