Someone asked me if I would write a blog regarding this topic. Until asked, I had not really considered that anyone would care, but obviously this is something that is important, and I am one who will always blog about that which will reach at least ONE person, so here we go.
There is a thing that happens during intimacy. Scientists will say that it is all just chemical responses and reactions. That is a large part of it, but not all of it. Water is the element of the Soul and of Emotions (energy in motion). As such, it is also the largest part of what makes up the human body. So we have a LOT of soul and emotion floating around within us at any given moment.
When we exchange bodily fluids we are also exchanging energy of Emotion and of Soul. It does not really matter what kind of bodily fluids, or what the circumstances are. So for example, kissing away someone’s tears is an exchange of bodily fluid. Blood transfusions are an exchange of bodily fluid. Swapping spit is an exchange of bodily fluid. Tasting the soup from the pot and putting the spoon back into the pot exchanges your bodily fluid (saliva) with whomever else eats that soup (family, friends, social function). And although one may be emotionally bonded to whomever ingested our bodily fluid, we have still lost a fraction of our soul energy to whomever that is.
“That’s okay,” you may say, “After all…it is just my husband/wife/daughter/son/sibling/parent/in-law/co-worker”etc. But think about how much of your soul, after repeated interactions of exchange, is actually left with YOU. It dwindles. As it does we become low in energy vibration. We end up feeling a bit lost, listless, and empty. At this point we need soul retrieval work done.
So why is this so important in the first place? Because soul energy keeps our physical temples (bodies) functioning. It helps run our organs. It helps us to evolve spiritually, but we cannot do that if we are emptied out of soul energy. There is a soul level of consciousness to absolutely every disease and disorder. Kidneys fail…soul energy in the kidney area will be on empty. Heart issues? Soul energy will be low in the heart area. Blood disorder? Again, soul energy is connected with this as well. It is not that this is the ONLY reason that things happen to us physically. Not by a long shot. But it is an area that is completely ignored and has been for centuries.
Any injury, illness, trauma, shock, accident, surgery etc that one experiences has with it a high risk rate of soul loss. In ancient times within three days of any such event there would be a soul retrieval ceremony that would be performed, and the entire community would take part in it, acting as support and holding space for the one being healed. Those days are long gone. Now we are looking often at lifetimes of soul neglect that is being repaired with each soul retrieval. It is more complex, and it takes more time. But it is important to address.
When we look at the human race we will see that there are certain features that are passed down genetically from one generation to the next. One of those features is also soul imprints. This is where genetic memory can happen. A memory of events that happened way before your time, but that are not a past life recall event (which is more of a soul memory of another life that you lived before, not necessarily genetically connected to your ancestors this lifetime around). When we, as humans, mate, we mix our soul energies along with our bodily fluids. So we conceive children that will have soul imprints of ourselves. This is why there are also certain gifts or challenges that get passed down from one generation to the next. But each child will have a small amount of soul energy that connects that child to each of the biological parents. Genetically there will also be physical traits and characteristics that will come forth, but those are often also woven in with the soul energy.
When I was 13 years old I woke up one morning smelling both fresh baked bread and coffee. I had never had coffee before in my life. I came down to the kitchen, sliced myself a fresh slice of bread, then poured myself a bowl (not mug…bowl) of coffee and added cream and sugar. Then I proceeded to dip the bread into the coffee and eat it. It was a completely new experience for me but also felt like something that was absolutely meant to happen and like I had been waiting all my life to taste this delicacy, made exactly this way. My mother turned around, saw what I was doing, and almost fainted. She sat down and asked me why I was doing that? I told her I just felt that it would really taste good and that I was wrong about that. It tasted GREAT! She then informed me that her father, whom I had never met because he died before I was born, did that every morning before going off to work. No, I am not a reincarnation of my grandfather. I know this because three years later his spirit visited me. But what I do now know is that this craving that I had was connected to him through the soul energy that we shared two generations later. Genetically there is not much that is obvious in connection between us in terms of looks and habits and health issues and such. But THIS we shared. If I could still eat bread and it were fresh baked and I had a bowl of coffee with cream and sugar I would be not writing this right now but chowing down on the most delicious breakfast food ever. Although I now use a mug instead of a bowl, I still make my coffee the same way.
I know that my daughters and I are deeply connected on a soul level. And they are also deeply connected to their mother in the same way. Sometimes we would prefer that we were not connected to certain family members on that level. Admittedly, I would prefer to have not been connected to my father that way. But I am also blessed to be connected to the heritage from which he came. He was a perfect genetic and soul energy combination for what was needed to create me, as was my mother. So there it is. As they say, “It is what it is”.
We can also extract soul energies that are not our own but that have bombarded us over the years. This will feel like a definite oppression. Once those soul energies are lifted off of us, it feels like we could almost fly because we become so light weight. When my wife had to receive a blood transfusion I told the doctors that I had to quickly bless the blood before it was put into her. They gave me the 5 seconds that it took for me to do the “blessing” and then administered the blood, which saved her life. Would they have done this if I told them that what I was doing was removing the soul energy from the previous owner of the blood? Not likely. So I give them what they can handle and somewhat understand…a blessing. During that event I was also able to bring some of my wife’s soul energy back home to her body before it zipped off into the Light. As far as I was concerned, not one single part of her was going to get lost through this process. And had too many left, then she would have had a body that shut down completely and I would have been widowed three years sooner than when I was.
Yes, it is that important. I am not saying that it is more important than, for example, knowing how to administer CPR. Not at all. But it is equally important and has ramifications that go far beyond whether or not we live or die. It is stuff that can actually carry over from one life to another. So we have to do our best to get it right the first time.
But here is the thing (one amongst possibly a plethora of things)… if you see your former lover in your child…don’t hold that against the child. It is not their fault that you two decided to swap bodily fluids and thus soul energies. That was all on you. Celebrate the beautiful combination of energies that is your child. Sometimes we have to protect them from their other parent, yes, and sometimes we even have to protect them from ourselves. That is what being a parent is all about. But we should never make them feel bad about who their other parent is. Even if we have an absolutely hostile and volatile relationship with that other parent, we have to see the child for themselves, not for the presence of the other parent, which the child cannot control or influence. So often in the heat of the moment we hear people say things to their children like, “ARGH! You are just like your FATHER!” or “My GOD you are so like your MOTHER.” That has to stop. That is shaming the child for who their other parent is. It serves no purpose other than to hurt the child.
Now all this information will make things more conscious, but please do not make it something that creates unnecessary inhibitions. If you want to exchange bodily fluids, do so. Whether it is through sex or by spitting in your enemies face, just go ahead. After all, it keeps me in business. I am just kidding about that. But, in a way, not. We have to live our lives, but we also need to be conscious of the ramifications of our actions and the deep soul level of things with each experience. And through this we begin to learn to respect ourselves and to respect ourselves as souls.