- Being telepathic does not mean that you have permission to enter anyone’s mind at will.
- Being empathic does not mean that you are helpless in the face of other people’s emotions.
- Being a witch does not make you any more or less special than anyone else.
- Dreams are an important part of the grander reality of the Universe.
- You are not a slave or helpless when it comes to spirits around you.
- Hauntings happen. So do clearings.
- There are multitudes of dimensions upon which we exist and to which we can visit.
- We are only as powerful or powerless as we see ourselves to be.
- Trees and plants have a sentience all their own and it is wise to begin to commune with them.
- Stones and Crystals are the Great Mother’s bones and carry with them and transfer through them energies that can be extremely helpful.
- YOU are the magic. Regardless of how many robes or tools you have on hand, the magic flows through YOU.
- Take the ego out of it. It doesn’t matter if your power animal is a mouse or an eagle or a lion or a bear. They are all extremely useful. Size does not matter.
- There is no status in Spirit. Spirit does not care what social or economic background you have or what color skin or gender you inhabit this time around.
- Honour your ancestors, but do not limit yourself to their experiences. You are you.
- Any good teacher will want you to exceed their own abilities. Anyone trying to hold you back needs to be cut loose so that you can spread your wings and fly.
- Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain…and they usually do.
- Great spirits are often held back by mediocre minds.
- Love and Gratitude are the most powerful forces in the Universe.
- Tact is an important part of relaying any information from Spirit. Without it the recipient may not respond well at all.
- Life is meant to be a celebration. So sing, dance, laugh, love and let go of any need to judge yourself or anyone else for doing so.
- Sex is both sacred and powerful when approached with reverence. It can also be extremely destructive when approached with disregard.
- Soul energy exchanges during the most intimate and the most traumatic moments.
- Healing on a soul level will heal many other levels of things very quickly.
- There does not need to be a middle man between you and Spirit. Have a direct connection and keep that alive.
- There will be many who, through your life, will want to steal or manipulate your power. Make sure that you do not allow that to happen.
- The main contributing factor to religious dogma is certitude.
- Keep the mind open. It works better that way.
- Keep the heart open to love and light. It works better that way.
- It is completely alright to protect yourself and your loved ones, even if that means doing so magically. There is no karma involved in that.
- You are more than just the temple in which your soul dwells and through which your Spirit expresses itself.
I could go on and on, but these are some of the best.