I have noticed a tendency in social media for people to think that if they check out (creep) your social media that they will then know EVERYTHING there is to know about you. So I thought that I would save some people some time and jot down a few things about me that you may or may NOT find in my social media. I may add to this list as time goes on, because I am still learning things about myself that even I don’t know yet, so how could anyone else possibly know it? I am going to number these things, but the numbers are not in any order of importance, just that they are the first or second thing I thought of and so on. So here goes:
- I am a Spirit having an experience in this physical dimension.
- I feel often that although I am of this world I am also not FROM here…because this world can be really messed up.
- I don’t have to BELIEVE in extraterrestrials, I have met some. No, I don’t like to talk about it.
- I consider myself to be a Spiritual Atheist. Because I connect to Spirit, but not to religion, no matter which religion.
- I like to sing jazz. And I have a good voice for it.
- I love my kids to the end of the earth.
- I love my partner truly, madly and deeply.
- I see many angles of any situation at one time. That is why people often misunderstand what I say.
- I believe that all of humanity is equal. There is no room for ageism, sexism, racism, or any other kind of “ism” in my life.
- I do not take crap from people, no matter how entitled they feel they are in dishing it out.
- I like to drop the “F” bomb…often.
- Although there are many other forms of liquid I can take in, and do, my favourite is and always will be COFFEE.
- I am not philosophically opposed to porn, but I would at least like to be paid well for it if ever I were to do it.
- I am definitely a dog person, but now and then I will meet a cat that also steels my heart.
- I like skulls. If you want to know why, please read my FLIGHT newsletter.
- I like organisation and tidiness. My OCD is repulsed by needless clutter.
- I am a germophobe. So if I don’t shake your hand it is only because I know that there is a 98% chance that it has recently touched a penis.
- I love public washrooms that don’t have doors…for the same reason.
- I will never be a vegetarian or vegan, although I do love my vegetables.
- I am aware of the fact that technology is supposed to make our lives easier, but that it is failing miserably.
- I love to paint….paintings, walls, paintings on walls…it really doesn’t matter…it is my thing.
- Glitter. Seriously. Why did they not invent this stuff sooner?
- Bling. I can’t take it with me when I go, so I choose to invest it while I am here…in BLING.
- I like to create jewelry.
- I have BOXES of jewelry that I have created, so much so that my partner was sure he had become involved with a Persian Prince when we moved in together. It took WEEKS to unpack my boxes of this stuff.
- I collect things…some of the strangest things.
- I meditate every day…because it beats the alternative.
- I am in my 4th marriage. First one was 2 years ending in divorce. Second was 18 years ending in divorce. Third one was 5 years, but only 6 weeks of marriage before she died. The fourth one I am in currently. I think that somewhere along the way I unconsciously decided to give Liz Taylor a run for her money.
- Both of my parents and 2 of my siblings have died as a result of cancer. None of the cancers were the same, or genetic in any way, so don’t worry.
- I used to LOVE to ride horseback. I am now way too old and brittle for such activities.
- I used to LOVE to go camping, but now I totally appreciate my amenities. It does not have to be 5 star, but at least 3 star would be fine. Under 3 star and I would rather sleep in my car.
- I love to garden.
- I am learning how to sew.
- I used to be a bartender, and for a while I was a bartender on a riverboat cruise.
- There are many things that I want to do in life, but travelling to a foreign country is no longer one of them.
- I have allergies that can kill me.
- I do not get ill very often, but when I do get ill I do so in a manner the likes of which can best be described as “Biblical in proportion”.
- I was a weird kid who was bullied in school, until I fought back.
- Compassion and kindness are very important to me.
- I enjoy things like getting love notes left for me in my sock drawer.
- I have been thrown away several times in my life. I now see that as a character flaw in the people who did it.
- If I could change one thing in the world I would be lost as to which messed up situation required the most immediate attention.
- I am a social butterfly who loves my alone time.
- I am the type of person who does what I say I will do. And when others do not live up to that standard in themselves I lose interest in them immediately.
- Personal integrity and authenticity is important to me, even if that goes against what others in our society think I should think and do.
- I can be fascinated by the morbid things in life.
- My humour can get quite dark and hysterical.
- I see, feel, hear, taste and smell energy before I notice a person physically. I have done this since I was a baby.
- I enjoy driving. I do not always enjoy other drivers.
- If I see someone being cruel to an animal the animal will survive, but the person will not.
- I view myself as a place where science an mysticism can unite.
- I love my job, as well as my personal time.
- I have a University education, but am also wise enough to know that not all answers can be found in a book, and that Academia itself is a culture that is most often not based on reality.
- I don’t do guilt. I may feel remorse at some point, but do what I can to right that.
- I am not ashamed to have slept with anyone I have slept with.
- I tend to not be popular with in-laws, mostly because I don’t adhere to their weird expectations.
- I like to make people feel comfortable and welcome.
- When I enter any room I immediately asses how many things can be used as weapons and how many ways there are to die in that room.
- I have become comfortable with the element of surprise.
- I can be a cunning and ruthless adversary.
- Every now and then I like to blow things up…usually on purpose.
- I prefer gentle to rough.
- I prefer slow to fast.
- I prefer chocolate to vanilla.
- My hair began rapidly falling out when I became a father. I am not sure if that is a direct result or just a timing thing. I do tell my kids that it is a direct result.
- I love tattoos. I have MANY.
- For me music is one of the most healing things in existence.
- I feel that “Country Music” is a contradiction in terms.
- I feel the same way about “Opera Music”.
- I don’t like to wear socks, but these days my feet get too cold if I do not.
- At the end of the day, when I remove my socks, I feel the same degree of relief described by women when they remove their bras.
- I love Steampunk design.
- I never feel lost, but prefer to think of it as “going visiting”.
- I will ask for directions. I know. Weird for a dude.
- I give people the benefit of the doubt, even when I know it is a HUGE gamble.
- I do not toss cash at people who beg on the street, but I might buy them a sandwich.
- There are not many things that freak me out…but one of the ones that do is RODENTS.
- Once someone loses my trust they may never get it back again.
- There have been times in my life when I have felt that the world would be a better place without me in it.
- I have learned several ways to climb out of the inner darkness.
- Up until I was 50 years old I had not ever used any recreational drugs. And now that I have tried them, I can honestly say I do not know what the big deal is because apparently I can’t get high.
- Medications WILL get me stoned.
- I have an extremely high pain threshold.
- I have been physically tortured in my life.
- None of that compares to the mental torture that I have also experienced.
- I do not forgive the people who did those things to me. I don’t have to forgive them in order to heal. And trying to do so would only enable their poor behaviours.
- It has been over 15 years since last I spoke with one of my surviving siblings. It’s the trust thing.
- I think that if someone asks for advice and then does not take it when given it makes them an askhole.
- I think that the destruction of our world is based more on greed and capitalism than it is upon religious beliefs. But I still do not buy into religious beliefs.
- I do not like dogma. I have been hated by many when I have pointed out the flaws in the dogma they have preached.
- Giving a stool sample for medical tests is one of the grossest things I can ever think to do, and thus it has not yet happened.
- I enjoy cooking.
- I enjoy having a nice home.
- I really enjoy sleeping in my own bed.
- Camp fires are one of my favourite things.
- I do keep a journal. Whether or not I write in it is another thing.
- I have very active dreams, and many of them are medicine dreams, and many of them are dream journeys.
- Although I feel that I have found my purpose in life, I am also well aware that no one really knows for sure until the very end.
- I believe in reincarnation…because I came back….several times.
- I used to drive a 1969 Chrysler 300. I named it Ariadne.
- I used to have long, thick, curly hair.
- I grew my first beard when I was 15.
- I grew up on a farm.
- The trees I planted in that farm yard are still there to this day and have outlived the buildings.
- I do not go back to the place I grew up. The farm is falling down and the city near it was never home to me.
- Someone once told me that when your father dies you feel alone in the world, but when your mother dies you know you truly are. I have not experienced that, because for me the hardest death was that of my wife.
- I don’t think that time heals all wounds…it just provides us with the space we need to deal with the pain.
- I believe in second chances, but a third chance is usually out of the question.
- I do not like commercialism. And I do not like the pressure it puts on people to empty their pockets of hard-earned cash.
- Manscaping? Sure. Why not?
- I like to have at least one shower a day. That usually does it, but it does depend upon the activities of the day as well.
- I like to have naps right after I eat lunch. Ten minutes can completely rejuvenate me for the rest of the day.
- I do NOT like door to door sales people or religious nuts.
- I will not instantly answer my phone. I will answer it if it is convenient, otherwise the person calling can leave a message and I will call back.
- I love hearing my partner sing and play guitar.
- I play piano. Not well. Although my partner would strongly disagree with that.
- I like to dance.
- I may not do what someone expects, but I will always do what is needed.
- I look forward to hopefully retiring one day, but that will not be for a very long time.
- Houseplants….gotta love them.
- Baby Groot is my all time favorite sci-fi character. I simply MUST one day have one.
- I try to make each of my daughter’s boyfriends feel welcome…except for the very first one because he immediately came across as a dick…and he was…and he has improved and is now a friend of hers.
- I have two of the most amazing and independent daughters one could ever hope for. I know that they will do well in life no matter what.
- I am very sensitive to changes is weather and atmosphere.
- I feel moonlight on my skin the same way one feels the warmth of the sun…but it is cool and tingles instead.
- I always feel more changed by moonlight than I do by sunlight. But no, I am not a vampire or werewolf.
- I used to have faith in humanity…and then some of them voted Trump into office…
- I like comedy in entertainment…because laughter makes us live longer.