Being an empath myself, I totally get when one is gifted and sensitive. We do tend to see things beyond what others see, we are aware of things that are deeper in the psyche of those around us. And we do tend to be called crazy a lot because we do respond to what we are aware of, even if we have no words to describe it.
But now here is the thing. We all have to also balance that out with what is here and now. There have been so many times that people who consider themselves empathic have actually abused those around them by “calling them out” on stuff that is not even real. And when the person being called out says that they are not thinking or feeling the way in which they are being accused, they are told by the empath that they are not believed. People have been told that they are angry when they are not or are merely frustrated. People have been told that they are trying to keep secrets just because the empath can’t “read” them in that moment. People have been told that they are emotionally disconnected because where they are at on the inside does not match that of which they are being accused by the empath.
This behaviour of the rampant empath, the one who thinks that they know so much but can’t control their abilities because they “just happen to me, so it’s not my fault that I see right through you” has got to stop. That is crazy making behaviour that sabotages ALL RELATIONSHIPS. Accuse someone of being hostile and angry when they are not enough times and they will eventually feel hostile and angry toward you indeed. And that is not because they were in the first place. It is because they can no longer stand the stupid accusations. So please stop being a Narcissist.
You see a lot of stuff flying around social media about “You know you are an empath when…” and “What the world needs to know about dealing with an empath…” and so on. Some of the information in there is workable. But where people take it is obscene. If we were to look at a relationship, any relationship, and see one person constantly accusing another of stuff that they never did, never felt and never thought, we would see that this is an abuser who is victimising the other person in the relationship. We would not see the “poor empath” who can’t control his/her awarenesses. That is because the actions of the abuser are hugely demonstrative of their own insecurities and fears and hostile natures.
It is one thing to be empathic. Empathy connects us to others and helps us to understand where they are coming from. But when it is used in a passive aggressive manner to crap all over the other person, that is abuse plain and simple.
This behaviour is annoying at best, abusive at worst. If someone considers themselves to be empathic or sensitive, then DO YOUR PERSONAL WORK. Make sure you meditate and focus that meditation not on some lolly gagging “trip” through a meadow, but on centering and stabalizing your own energy field. Get grounded and stop being such a space cadet. Learn healthy boundaries and learn to respect those of others. Stop thinking that you know better than another person how they feel or what they think…or even how they SHOULD feel or think. Take care of your own pile of baggage before trying to manage another’s.
Centering crystals that can help are Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, and Citrine. Grounding crystals that can help are Obsidian, Smokey Quartz, Ruby and Garnet. Purifying your energy field so that it is not cluttered with other people’s energies can be accomplished by smudging with sage or naag champa incense, or even taking a warm bath with some epsom salts in the water. When you are eating, focus on the taste of the food and eat slowly. This helps you not just to digest the food, but to also digest the energies around you…energies that you will never actually be able to escape because energy is all around us all the time. After all, you came into this world as an empath, now you need to deal with the fact that you are a part of this world.