So often I find that people want to know how magic works and how they could possibly tap into that so that they could make their lives better or more enriched. Often, they will seek out step-by-step instructions and instructors (myself included) who will hopefully give that to them. What they do not realize is that in seeking this out it is not magic that they are wanting to learn about…it is spell casting procedures.
Don’t get me wrong here. There is nothing at all wrong with learning about spell casting…as long as you are also learning about the ethics involved in spell casting. Without the ethical ingredient, your spell will eventually bite you in the keister. Spell casting is much like cooking or baking. Recipes are followed and the ingredients are put together and once it is all cooked long enough at the correct temperature the result can be delicious.
That is how spell casting works. You do need to study for years to really get good at that. Learning things like botany, herbology, folk remedies, and so on all contribute to a more refined spell casting. All of this, however, can be thought of as the left brain or scientific methodology. So where does the magic come in?
I find that the magic comes in when one realizes that they actually don’t need to rely on the left brain and scientific factor. Yes, the ethics still apply. But why pull out a cauldron when your own mind can be the cauldron? When we recognize that we are not just casters of magic but that we are the magic, it completely changes the entire story.
There was a wonderful meme on social media that I had to also share yesterday. It says:
Somewhere a tree remembers you because it enjoyed your company.
Somewhere a dandelion is alive and feeding a bumble bee because you blew on one to make a wish.
We all make a difference in the world. For most of us it’s a tiny difference, but oh how adorable that difference is.
This speaks volumes to me. We don’t think of magic as being “commonplace” and think of it more as a wizard waving his magic wand with sparks and lightning bolts spewing out of the end of it. But what is true magic is the recognition of our place in the Universe, in the world, and in the realm of magic itself. We don’t become magical people. We are magical people. As such, everything we do has a magical ripple effect throughout our realm. When we want to enlist changes, we need only think in a changed way. That is why I do my best to not pigeonhole a person into who I have always known them to be. All that person needs to do is shift their thought system and they have suddenly become someone I have not yet met. Yes, I may have known them for years and we may have vast history together. In shifting their thinking pattern, however, they have moved away from all of that and have been transformed into someone new. No, I am not a “Born Again” freak. I simply acknowledge that people do change and grow. It is the ones who refuse to do so that worry me more because they are the ones who try to hold others back or, worse still, condemn them for their ability to make necessary changes in their lives.
We are the magic. As such we can promote changes in ourselves and in our world, big and small. The choice is always ours. But we also must remember something. Our ancestors did not put all that effort into bringing us into existence just to see us make ourselves small to make others more comfortable. This would actually anger them a lot. So be the big and beautiful magical being that you are. And know that you have their complete support. And know that you are the essence of magic itself.