We are all, on some level, connected. Some of us are more connected to each other than to others. There are no judgements on that. But the fact remains that we are all one. On our healing journeys we encounter things that come up from deep within. Perhaps it is past experiences, long forgotten yet just as able to mess us up here and now. Traumas get hard wired into our brains and start firing off on a deep unconscious level, making us think, feel and do things that we otherwise would not have even imagined for ourselves. And some traumas go way back…generations…and will rise up now and then to continue the thread of dysfunction.
Let me give you an example from my own family. On my mother’s side, there were folks who were Jewish. There is nothing wrong with that. But, as everyone other than moronic nay sayers, know, the Jewish people were persecuted during the second world war. That was not the first time this happened to them, by far. But I am going to reference this to make my point. People died by the thousands. Members of my family died. People to whom I am related and will now never have the opportunity to meet their offspring died. This was most traumatizing for my mother. Even though I was born decades after the war, she told me about what happened to her family in Europe. Genocide is never pretty nor is it ever good. Yet it happens so often in our world.
The trauma of such events trickles down into future generations. For example, I was raised to know that there was a Jewish part of my heritage, but to never talk about it. We would, of course, talk about it amongst family. But when it came to talking about it with people outside of our family…well, that was a HUGE NO NO. Later on, after also going through my family being attacked because the community thought that I was some kind of satanic witch, the trauma of being persecuted became even more personal. Then, ten years after that, I began to have nightmares. I am surprised, after all that, that the nightmares did not start before then. Nonetheless, I kept having nightmares of a home invasion in which men who were dressed all in black with their faces covered in black scarves, or something like that, would attack me and drag me out of my home in the middle of the night and take me to another location to kill me.
After having these nightmares for a couple of months, I finally decided to talk to someone about them. I went to a counsellor who helped me to unpack the layers of the dream. In that process, I found that the healing on an energetic level was rippling way back in time, to a time when I was not even yet born. It was rippling back to my family members who were hauled away to Auschwitz. Doing my own healing about this nightmare was actually serving as well to send healing energy back on a spiritual and energetic level to my ancestors who were murdered. This type of thing is called Intergenerational Healing.
Now, that was my first experience of Intergenerational Healing, and I was really young back then. Since then, in the work that I do as a shaman, I have become skilled at helping others to do Intergenerational Healing as well. Some may be wondering how this all works. There are a few things that need to be understood in order for the concept to sink in:
- On a Soul level, we are all interconnected, whether or not we are related by blood.
- That connection exists in a place that is referred to as the Dream Weave, which is a universal level of consciousness.
- In the Dream Weave, there is not linear time and space. It is all NOW. It is more spherical, if one needs to put a shape to it.
- Through this Dream Weave we have access to multiple dimensions of consciousness, reality, and experiences.
- Everything that happens in the Dream Weave has an effect on everything else. This is much like the realization that we are not just the sum of parts to make up a physical body, but instead we are the interactions and relations of all of these parts together.
- When we heal one aspect, here and now, it will, therefore, ripple through the Dream Weave to many other levels of consciousness, reality and experiences.
- The Dream Weave is also known by other names and terminologies such as God Consciousness, Christ Consciousness, Nirvana, The Void, and many, many more.
- The Dream Weave is not a place that we go to, or access. It is within each and every one of us. We ARE the Dream Weave. The sooner we discover that and honor that, the better for the world, for the universe and beyond.
The other night, I lit a candle for each of my bloodlines on my altar. I gave thanks to them for all of their experiences, their wisdoms, their insights and their many lives that led to my personal existence. The longer I gave thanks, the higher the flames became. I am talking about tea lights whose flames ended up being about 6 inches in height. That is rare indeed. When something like that happens I take notice, because to ignore it would be to miss many points, not just one. I know that the Ancestors were listening and that they were responding via the flames of the tea lights. And that brings me great comfort. I heard some of them speaking to me. They said many things, but something that really stood out was a return of gratitude towards myself for the work I have been doing on myself and for the work that I have been doing to help others to also heal. I felt incredibly humbled by this. By that I do not in any way mean humiliated or put down. I mean deeply grounded and loved. It was quite an amazing, yet private, moment. Part of me wishes that I would have been able to catch that on film so that I could share it with the world visually. But that would have besmirched the event. So I decided instead to just refer to it as an opportunity to teach more.
Intergenerational Healing is real. I feel that it is important to make that point because we are all too aware of intergenerational traumas, but very few actually reference the healing of those traumas. There are always two sides to a coin. Keep that in mind as you journey through your own healing.