There are far too many people in the world who are not living up to their full potential. And the reason does not lie in laziness or a lack of desire to do so. The reason is actually more sinister than that. The reason that people don’t live up to their full potential is that they have, since they were born, been told that they are not special in any way. They have been told that they need to “tow the line” and that they need to “act normal.” These types of messages only serve to keep one down. They serve to benefit no one, especially not society with its desperate need for improvement. And only those who benefit from the lack of improvement in society will be the ones who perpetrate the lie that someone is “nothing special.” At times they will even try to discredit the one who is quite gifted, thus maintaining their control over the masses.
When was the last time you experienced the expansion of self? When was the last time that you took a deep breath and felt free, absolutely FREE, to be yourself. When have you stood in your power and your glory and simply been the magnificent person that you are?
These are questions that often make people uncomfortable because they have been told that “only the meek shall inherit the earth.” That is a lie. Providence loves boldness. It is up to each and every one of us to, in our own ways, be BOLD. In order to do that we have to access our creative sides. Some folks will say things like, “Oh, I am not creative. There isn’t a creative bone in my body.” I call B.S. on that thinking, because everyone…absolutely EVERYONE…in our world is creative in one way or another. To try to belittle that serves no one, least of all yourself.
It is important to explore that personal creativity. The thing about creativity is that it is something that very naturally connects us to Spirit. When we create we go into a “zone.” That zone allows us to access the parts of our brains that brings inspirational and innovative thought processes to the surface. I cannot tell you how many times, while creating something, a completely unrelated thing pops into my head and that thing is the solution to something else entirely with which I have been struggling. It works, and it works well. So find your thing. Play around with a bunch of different types of creativity. Explore and see what really catches your interest. It could be as simple as working with beads, or as complex as building structures out of wood, iron, or PVC. A mechanic can be a very creative person. A carpenter can be a very creative person. An accountant can be a very creative person. And the more each person acknowledges their creativity, the better our world naturally becomes.
As we create, we begin to radically expand in a variety of ways. We open to experiencing the full spectrum of love. We begin to become more giving and more receptive in our lives. We begin to experience the wholeness of our being, unapologetically. And when we do that, we begin to honor ourselves much more deeply. When that happens, it spreads like wild fire. Appreciation and honor and love and respect become commonplace things in our lives, thus enriching our lives to the fullest.
It no longer matters what others think about how we look, or sound, or how we dress or move. We simply are who we are and we begin to not really care about what others think about who we are. We simply, and authentically live our lives.
With the changes that are beginning to manifest in our lives and in our world, it is absolutely important that we allow ourselves room for the radical expansion of the self. That way we will be able to work with and deal with whatever manifests around us. And in so doing, we will also be helping to show those around us how to do the same. And that is a beautiful thing. So own your personal power and have fun with it as well. Life becomes much more fulfilling when you do.