In my blog post titled, Blame it on the Devil, I mentioned that there is a difference between the voice of Spirit and the Inner Wisdom Voice. This is an important concept. But after one of my readers read it, she wrote me to ask for me to clarify a bit more the difference between the two, as she had always thought that they were one in the same. I get that. A lot of people do think that. So here is my take on it, and I certainly hope that I can be clear as to what I see as the differences between the two to be:
First, there is a difference between the Spirit and the Soul. The Spirit is like an umbrella entity. It expresses itself through the temple of the body…often through inspirations…but does not reside within the temple of the body. It is also impervious to all harm.
The Soul, however, does reside within the temple of the body. And here is the thing. The temple of the body can hold multitudes of our Soul energies. Each individual Soul energy is on a great adventure of learning and evolution to, one day, become Spirit energy. Soul energy knows intimately what it is to be in human form. Spirit energy often does not actually “get it” when it comes to human conditions. Much like an eagle soaring high in the sky, but able to see the activities of the mouse on the earth below, Spirit energy can indeed see an overview of the situation. The Soul, however, is more like the mouse itself, fragile, vulnerable, and intimately knowledgeable about every minute detail of its existence in the world that it is able to comprehend.
There is an expression that I like that goes, “I can feel it in my bones. I can feel it deep in my soul.” That is the Inner Wisdom Voice speaking to us through our temple. It has a deep soul connection to what is happening and communicates it. It will also serve us to either distract or transform our own inner demons. That way the inner demons cannot consume us. But in order for that to happen, we must listen, or at least learn how to listen, to our Inner Wisdom Voice when it speaks.
We may be inspired to do something that Spirit sees as important, while at the same time not paying attention to some of the important details of our lives. The Inner Wisdom Voice will encourage us to, if we are going to persue that path, also pay attention to the details that we have to take care of in our lives while we are donig the work that Spirit is guiding us to do.
This is where people often get messed up. They think that because Spirit told them to that it is automatically going to have to happen, regardless of how much it will blow up their lives. And blow up their lives it can and often does do, because Spirit is looking at the overview…not the minute details. People will do things like say, “I am quitting my job because Spirit tells me that I am a healer and so that is what I am going to do from now on.” Then, three to six months later, when clients are NOT coming in, these people will find themselves in financial crisis because they did not listen to that Inner Wisdom Voice that was telling them, “Okay, so if this is what you wish to do, then how are you going to safely accomplish this without self-destruction?” This would often mean easing into the plan of Spirit instead of diving in with no regard for the important details of one’s life.
So, in the blog, Blame it on the Devil, I mentioned that Spirit had told me that yes, this person needed help. I forgot to check in with my Inner Wisdom Voice to see if, on a Soul level, I was the one who was meant to help them. It became painfully obvious that I had forgotten to check in when their behavior turned extremely toxic. This is something that I am going to do my absolute best to never again forget.
It is not that Spirit lies to us. Please do not jump to that conslusion. It is that Spirit often does not get the ins and outs of human existence and the many factors involved in making sure our human needs are met. It is more concerned with the grand scheme of things. Soul, however, is dependent upon our attending to the various factors involved in making sure our human needs are met. Soul hurts and experiences great sorrow when those needs are ignored or sometimes trampled upon. That is why we have the Inner Wisdom Voice. It helps us to keep on track while, at the same time, working toward the higher goal that Spirit has for us.
When either the Spirit or the Inner Wisdom Voice is ignored, or is sometimes even denied to exist, we have incongruency in how we are feeling as a human being, we have a sense of loss of self, we have depression, we have self-condemnation and total lack of inspiration. When the Spirit and the Inner Wisdom Voice work together, we can achieve extremely wonderful things.