From the time I was a very small child, as far back as I can remember, I have been fascinated by ancient mysteries. I was one of those nerdy kids who would devour the Encyclopedia Britanica volume after volume, and the entire Childcraft series that came with it. The more I would read, the more I would want to know. Granted, some of the stuff really did not matter to me immediately, but I loved knowing it anyway. There is nothing wrong with storing information in your brain. You never know when it might help you to win a game of Trivial Persuit.
So when I was around 3 years of age and began my formal training in the mysteries, I was a prime candidate for the “difficult student” position…the one who always asks too many questions and seeks to prove people wrong about their attitudes and dogmatic thought systems. I cannot imagine how much patience my mother and grandmother had to have within them for them to not just lose it on my every once in awhile. It was not that I was coming from an ego perspective of, “I know this better than anybody else.” It was that I wanted more and more information and if the answers were insufficient, I would ask more questions. The wonderful thing about both of these women in my life was that, if they did not have all the answers, they admitted that they did not and then joined me in my search for the answers. They were my first teachers when it came not only to the ancient mysteries, but also to the practice of research.
The thing is that, even with diligent research, one can run into concepts and ideas that simply do not resonate with you as a spirit or as a human being. So when this would happen, I would just say, “No.” They would ask my why I said that and I would say, “It doesn’t make any sense to me as a spirit or as a human being.” And so the search would continue until we found answers that met the criteria laid out within me by my Inner Wisdom Voice.
I often find that, in today’s socio-political climate, that Inner Wisdom Voice will scream out that “This is NOT what is true, it is NOT what is kind, it is NOT what is humane, it is NOT what spirit wants of us.” So I get very resistent to anyone else’s concepts of reality. The term “fake news” is often thrown around by both sides who are trying to convice the masses of their righteousness, when both are only telling paritial truths or complete lies as presented to them by their chosen sources. Needless to say, it can make one feel very frustrated with humanity.
Sometimes I will share a meme of social media that points out the hyposcrisy of different things that make no sense whatsoever to me. Sometimes people laugh. Sometimes they lose their minds over my “perspective.” This actually amuzes me because the act of sharing a meme does not even mean that I totally buy into that perspective. It is just something I find amuzing. And, truthfully, one would not believe the number of things I actually DON’T share or talk about or respond to. I feel it is all a balancing act. Perhaps that is the Coyote medicine that runs through my soul. That would be the part of me that challenges everything, every concept, every belief system, every dogma, every “fact” and brings in a wildness that forces people, myself included, to look at the silliness of what we are doing.
This fascination in the Ancient Mysteries took a vital turn when I was 16. That is when I found that I was able to journey to places and to time periods where things would be happening that are forgotten history. There were many journeys taken to places like Stone Henge, Machu Picchu, Egyptian times, Babylonian Times, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, and so on. With each journey I would learn something more that would allow me to access certain magical aspects in the present moment. I would be able to learn the ancient languages from these journeys. Sometimes those languages bubble forth when I am doing chanting. Most of it stays dormant until such time as I return to that place and time.
Now, I know many people reading this would be thinking stuff like, “Wow! This dude has lost his marbles!” I don’t really care what others think. I only know what my experiences have been and that they mean something to me. The fact that others with a more “scientific brain” will think it impossible only shows their own dogmatic belief systems, because, yes, science has dogma throughout it as well. The fact is that what is today’s science fiction is tomorrow’s science fact. The setback is that they have not yet discovered how to do what some of us shamans have been doing for over 40,000 years. And that does not obligate us in any way to teach them how. I think some of us are given this gift so that we can use it wisely. Science has yet to prove its wisdom on all counts. For the most part, it takes on the attitude that, “If we can, we should.” This leaves the ethics of what it does in great question.
Just as we are not obligated to teach how we do our journeys, we are also not obligated to do our journeys for just anyone at just any time. If the green light is given by Spirit, then we also have to see if that matches our Inner Wisdom Voice. And if that one says, “Hold on here…have you thought about….?” then the answer will most likely be “No. Not going there.”
You don’t have to have a time machine to go back in time and discover the Ancient Mysteries. You ARE the time machine. It really does not matter if you go there via journeying, astral travel, bilocation, time travel, or by accessing genetic memory systems through your DNA. You actually can do it. So the concept of creating a time traveling machine, to me, is silly. Just as it is silly to create a space ship to travel through the stars. We don’t need those. We ARE those. There are so many portals and worm holes that can be accessed. Machines would never survive the trip. But spirits do. And we do not just have the ability to travel back in time. We can go forward as well.
There have been times that people have born witness to “miraculous” acts and events. They wonder how the heck someone could pull that off. When one studies the Ancient Mysteries long enough…not just through books and not just through religion (don’t get me started there)…things become easier to do as they are needed to be done. That does not obligate us to do it on any level. But if we are moved by Spirit and our Inner Wisdom Voice to do it, then it can be done. But one actually has to DO THE WORK in the area of Ancient Mysteries. This is not about just passing information down to be memorized and done a particular way when the stars and planets align in a particular way. It is about doing the work of traveling to discover the Ancient Mysteries, knowing that this does not mean purchasing a plane ticket to wherever. This form of travel does not happen with a plane.
Someone the other day referred to me as being “mysterious.” I laughed and thanked them for the compliment, even though they were not intending it to be such. They were wanting to use that word to try to shame me into sharing information that they were not ready for on any level. As I said, we are not obligated. When the time is right, we do share and we do teach. When it is not, we don’t. On many an ocaision I had to wait for the answers. I had to prove myself worthy of the answers. I had to do the work. The same applies for everyone else who walks this earth. That is quite a concept in a world that has become increasinly self-entitled!
There is this thing called ‘humility,” which is NOT about shame. It is about how we approach life. If we are humble we approach life in a calm, grounded and grateful manner. We don’t just jump to the conclusion that of course we can have anything that we demand. That is completely of ego. Once we are humble, then we become co-creators with the Universal energies. But until then, most are simply whining toddlers demanding this or that without actually making themselves worthy of that over which they are obsessed. No, you are NOT immediately worthy. I know, this goes against all New Age dogma. You actually have to BECOME worthy. And how you do that is by doing your inner work, getting more and more grounded (no space cadets, please!) and approaching life in a humble and grateful manner. It is about removing your ego’s opinions of what should be and going into what actually is. This keeps it all real. And this is what will keep it whole. Thus there will be ever more meaning in the process. And as each person does their inner work, they need not preach to others about it. You simply do the work and become an inspiration to those who care to watch you. I don’t often talk about this stuff because it irritates those who are not ready. But those who are usually appreciate my blogs, so here I am, presenting a concept that may have been overlooked somewhere along the way. You are welcome.