There are so many things a person can do if they put their minds to it. Yet so often people stop themselves short of actually doing what they want to try out because they lack the confidence that it takes to undertake a new project or possibility. The reason for this, I find, is that we tend to allow ourselves to get caught up in negative self-talk. We actually convince ourselves to aim lower, to not expect much from life, to not even try to make the changes within that are required in order to achieve something. And as we do this, the school system is also participating in a very subtle way of creating under-achievers by not allowing room for competition (which is healthy) and by rewarding people just for showing up instead of for actually doing something worthy of recognition.
So how do we get out of this cycle? I have always found that the only person I can really count on for creating change in my life has been myself. Yes, I have had some awesome helpers along the way who have done great deeds on my behalf, and I do want to acknowledge them. But when it comes to the changes that have led me to who I am today…that was all me. That was my willingness to look at myself in a constructive yet critical manner and give myself a kick in the kiester every now and then so that I can motivate myself to change something for the better.
Case in point, my doctor was determined that I had to manage my diabetes with medications. I proved him wrong by getting more active and changing my diet. He has never before seen numbers come down so dramatically. Will he tell other diabetics about this? No. It is not in his scope of expertise to share things about diet. So many will go forever not knowing that there is actually something that can work. But for two years I was a little resentful and resistant about having to make said changes. When my numbers looked like medication was inevitable, I lit a fire under my own butt and got busy with the changes. I do not miss carbs in my diet. I actually enjoy my workouts now. I keep myself fit and have enriched my life as a result. That was all me. Rod does help me with diet choices now and then because he knows better what things will create sugar in the body and what won’t. But for the most part it was my choice that made the difference.
Now if we took that type of determination and applied it to other areas of our lives, areas where we would like to excel and achieve, just imagine what could be possible! We really have to become more daring with our lives. We have to take the bull by the horns, so to speak, and show that bull who is boss. I often say that if ever I were to be sent to Hell (don’t even believe in it, but still, if I were) I would view it as a warm vacation destination. When I arrived I would have to make it perfectly clear to everyone there who actually RUNS that place. That is the way I am with things that come my way. Because we cannot predict what life is going to throw at us. We can only find the strength within to deal with it. And in the meantime, we need to remember that it is completely okay to dare to dream. Just remember to make the dreams BIG and do the work that will help them come true.