So a number of folks have asked me to please share teachings on Soul Retrieval work. I should mention first off that there are many traditions that have Soul Retrieval as part of their practice. I am only sharing that which I have been taught by my grandmother and won’t be commenting on the differences in philosophy or practices. There are too many to spend time going into that.
To understand this, one has to grasp the concept that the Soul and the Spirit are two different energy forces within the human being. The Spirit is like the umbrella that shelters everything else. It expresses itself THROUGH the body, but does not reside within the body. It is connected to the Creative Force (whatever one wishes to call it in one’s own tradition) and is impervious to all harm. So when someone says that they “broke my spirit”, they are actually saying that someone has wounded their soul, because the Spirit cannot be broken.
Soul is more fragile and primal and therefore more vulnerable an energy, and is evolving to become Spirit energy, and this evolution takes place over vast amounts of time and in various existences. You can read into that whatever you will. For me, it means that over many lifetimes our Soul energy travels and experiences a variety of stuff, all of which contributes to the evolution into Spirit form.
Also, many believe that we have only ONE Soul energy and that, for this reason alone, it is precious. Yes, it is precious, as are all the others. But we do not have only One Soul energy within us. We have many. Hundreds. Each Soul energy actually contributes to the functioning of the physical temple. So some may be running the kidneys, while others are in charge of emotions and yet others are in charge of intellectual perceptions, and so on. And each one will have memories or fragments of memories from past experiences.
When we experience stress, trauma, injuries, accidents, inebriation, arguments (when intense) we also often experience Soul Loss, which means that for a moment some of our Soul energies have found it too difficult to be in the Temple of the Body, so have “gone for a walk until things settle down”. Now, 98% of the time, once they step out they immediately do step back in. It is that last 2% of the time that causes bigger issues. That Soul energy that steps out but does not step back in can be anchored outside of the body, travelling around the body but perceiving things from afar (dissociative disorder), or can be anchored in to someone else’s energy system (hitchhiking along and feeding off of that person’s energy for mere survival), or can be anchored to a specific place in which a trauma has taken place (like the side of the road where one had a bad car accident, etc), or anchored to a particular time (like 5 years ago when one was put under for a surgery).
In ancient cultures, any event that would involve Soul loss was immediately (within 3 days) addressed by the entire village, community, etc. Soul Retrieval was performed and the entire community took part in it. That was a very LONG time ago. Now, people go LIFETIMES without this being addressed. So when the tracking of the Soul energy is done in order to perform the Soul Retrieval, we are often tracking some of them way back into past life traumas and injuries etc. Once they are found, they are dislodged from the anchor that binds them there, brought through the Light, where they are healed (most often instantly) and then brought back to the Temple of the Body in their pure, healed state. This does not mean that a person experiencing the Soul Retrieval will be oblivious to what initially caused the Soul loss. Quite the opposite. It can be like a memory gently surfacing up to the light of the conscious mind. The trauma aspect will no longer be there, but the memory, distant as it may be, will reveal itself over time. I liken it to when we live for 40 some odd years and suddenly have something unfold before us that brings back a memory from our childhood when we were 3 years old. The memory can be there, but the event is not taking place all over again or anything like that.
Sometimes during Soul Retrieval there is also the aspect of Soul Extraction that becomes necessary. Each person’s Soul energy has an imprint of that person’s core energy. When the imprints do not match, it is an indication that someone else’s Soul energy has taken up residence. This is different to when we exchange energy during intimate moments (which we do). Those moments will sort themselves out within a 24 hour period…usually. And if conception happens during that intimate moment a small part of our Soul energy and that of our partner’s join together to initiate the conception on a biological level and then blend with the Soul energy that belongs to the child. This is a natural blending of Soul energies. Taking up residence is more the type of circumstance where your Temple has been INVADED. So the extraction takes place, sending the other person’s Soul energy into the Light to be healed and returned to them in their own time and in their own space. We do not need details on who or what or why that happened. We just clean house and carry on. This is as important as the part of retrieving your Soul energy from another person. It simply does not belong there. It belongs with you. And having another person’s Soul energy on you is similar to having a baby grand piano strapped onto your back and attempting to go about your day like that, fitting it through hallways and stair wells and doorways and such. It becomes exhausting and depleting.
This leads to symptoms that indicate that Soul Retrieval may be necessary. First off, physical illness is one indication. Because when Soul energy is absent and is not participating in keeping the Temple running properly, the Temple gets sick. We are, after all, biological beings and we do need everything running optimally in order to stay well. Another symptom is fatigue, or stress, or chronic pain, or depression, or lethargy, or grief and sorrow, or recovering from a physical attack or accident, etc. The list goes on. Sometimes people have that “completely empty inside” feeling. That would be a red flag.
There are many techniques for performing Soul Retrieval, both during energy healing treatments and during ceremonies/rituals. I do both, depending upon circumstance, but the style I use will vary according to the individual. That part is way too complex to go into here, but perhaps over time I will be able to share some of it in bits and pieces as we go.
After Soul Retrieval is done (and it may need to be done several times through one’s life, depending upon circumstance) one most often feels a sense of wholeness that was missing, more connected to the world around them (friends, family, nature etc) and sometimes there will be a renewed passion for life that leads one to discovering aspects of self that were previously hidden to the consciousness. I remember after a Soul Retrieval that I had done for myself I found my singing voice that had been dormant for almost 10 years.
One of the extreme cases of Soul Loss can be found in a condition that some traditions call the “skin walker”. This is someone who has lost so much of his/her Soul energy that the Temple is almost completely (or in some cases IS completely) vacant. This is how people become sociopaths and psychopaths. There is basically NOTHING connecting them to their emotions or their Spirit. These ones can be extremely dangerous at the best of times, and when trying to help them on a Soul level my only advice is to do so from a vast distance. Keep safe. Go slow. It cannot all be done in one time around for the best of situations, and least of all for a Skin walker.
It takes YEARS to learn how to perform Soul Retrieval. So please do not attempt this just whilly nilly. Get someone who does this as a mentor and be prepared to study for years to come. Weekend Warriors have no place when it comes to this type of healing work, and damage can indeed be done when there is not sufficient expertise involved.