I often hear people say things like, “I don’t ever want to be alone”. I find this interesting. There are so many personality types out there and I think that I am definitely NOT one of those types. I am a very social person…much more so than my partner. I like going out for coffee and visiting with friends and having people over for dinner and going to art shows and galleries and museums with friends and such. But I cannot say that I don’t ever want to be alone. Now I know that what these people are saying is that they don’t ever want to not be in a relationship. But how it is said speaks volumes. They say, “I don’t ever want to be alone.”
Personally, although I really enjoy being in my relationship, I love my alone time as well….LOVE IT….A LOT. I am perfectly comfortable with my own company. I don’t need others to entertain me. If I need entertainment I can always turn on Netflix or something. I like the way my mind works in solitude. I get great inspiration out of the creative mind that is mine. And I connect with Source through that creativity. But I do also find it to be highly entertaining at the same time.
I remember when I was a kid my mother once gave me a time out. I don’t really remember what it was for….oh…ya….come to think of it I do. So my brother and I were playing with our toy cars and my brother, being the aspiring young mechanic and body shop worker that he was, took it upon himself to dismantle my vintage vehicle that our neighbour lady had bought for me while in London, England. It was an amazing red something-or-other that looked like it was perhaps a Rolls Royce or some such thing. It even came with a little British family all dressed up and out for a drive! I got mad that he could not put it back together so I picked up some piece of it that was left over (I think it was made of metal) and threw it at him, cutting him above his eye. My mother was angry that he had ruined the car but also angry that I had lost my mind on him and gotten physically aggressive. So off to our separate corners we went. He was banished to a corner in the kitchen and I was banished to our shared bedroom.
About a half hour or so went by and my mother came in and found me lying on my back on my bed talking to myself. She had been listening to a conversation from outside of the bedroom door for a few minutes. Her son (me) was having a complete conversation between several characters that I had made up in my mind. I even had the various voices and accents going for each character. As she entered and found me there, staring at the ceiling and talking away, she told me that my time out was done. I responded with an enthusiastic plethora of information about this entire world I had just made up in my head! She listened patiently and then shook her head and said, “Obviously sending you to your room is more of a reward than a punishment.” I remember that quite distinctly because it had not even occurred to me that I was being punished. I thought I was sent on my way so that my brother and I could just be separated for a while. I had not thought that I should be sad about that. I was sad that I no longer had my car (and truthfully I perhaps should not have been playing with it in the first place) but as to being sent to my room…well that was just peaceful time to me.
To this day, I find that I really enjoy being alone. I meditate, I creatively visualise, I commune with Source, I paint, I clean my house, I mow my lawn, I garden, I talk to the garden fairies, the list really does go on! I am NEVER bored. And I have always found people who say that they are bored to be the most boring people to be around. For me a statement like,”God! I am so bored!” says to me that this person completely lacks any sense of imagination and therefore will never be taken on any of the shenanigans I plan to pursue.
As to being without a “relationship status,” well, I have already been there and done that. I was completely alright through it all. I knew I would be alright and so I was. But that does not in any way diminish the fact that I am also overjoyed to be in the relationship that I am in. And that fact does not diminish the possible future reality that perhaps one day we won’t be in a relationship. I have already had one spouse die overnight on me. Strange things happen in life. Once the shock wears off a bit you find that you are just needing to move on and function in life again. So although I would prefer that we be together forever, I know that this is often not what life has planned. People get sick. People get into accidents. People die. That is part of life. And who knows? Perhaps I am the one to end up dying instead of my partner! Things happen. But in the meantime I am perfectly happy just sharing my life with someone so incredibly special.
“Alone” to me means becoming “All-one.” When we have perfected that art, it really doesn’t matter what life throws our way. We can handle it. We can handle it because we are strong and resilient and we also have friends that we can lean on who know full well that, when stuff goes down in their lives, they can lean on us as well.
When we have mastered the art of being alone, we then can more fully master the art of STANDING alone. This means that we no longer let ourselves become pushed into thinking a certain way or having to be a certain way. We become our own authorities. We don’t allow ourselves to be passive followers in life. We are the ones who lead. We are the ones who call out the nonsense in society and culture and let folks know that they don’t have to put up with that. We are the ones who love and support people in becoming completely comfortable with their own inner “freak,” a freak that will continue the ripple of inspiration forward. Speak your truth even if no one agrees. Speak your truth even if your voice gets shaky. Live your truth even if those around you disapprove. Live your life to the fullest because it is YOUR life to live and no one else can do that for you. Find your bliss and DIVE IN!